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Paige went to school the next day, trying to avoid Spencer. Again. Their eyes met a few times in the crowded hallways, but she would always look away first. She couldn't look at his pleading eyes anymore. She couldn't look at the pain in his eyes either. She just couldn't look at him at all. Because she knew, if she looked at him right now, she wouldn't look at him as her enemy. But as the boy who she once fell in love with.


"Now class, I want you to go to page 337. You will be given a task with a partner - which I will be choosing, and you will work on this task together. Understood?" said Paige's history teacher, sternly.

Paige hoped she wasn't with Spencer. She couldn't be with him. Because she knew she would fall for him again. She listened carefully, and let out a breath of relief when she found out she was partnered with Chase, another boy in her class.

She walked towards Chase, and right as she got there, the teacher spoke up.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your studying, but there has been a change in partners. Spencer has requested to be with Ms. Paige, because he is very good at history, and can help Paige improve. So, Chase, you will be with Spencer's old partner. Thank you," he said aloud, to the class.

Paige froze. She felt a light tap on her shoulder. Then she felt someone's presence behind her.

"Guess now we're partners," said a very familiar voice, in her ear.

Paige couldn't move. Why did he have to change? His old partner, Kaylee was a magnet for men. He could've been with her. But he chose Paige.


The two of them were sipping their coffee in their usual spot, the cute little café, where most of their memories were made.

"I have a question." Paige broke the awkward silence. "Why did you switch partners?"

He paused, hesitated, then continued sipping his coffee again. "Because. Because I wanted to be with you. I miss you. Not as an enemy, but as best friends. I miss sitting under our tree at midnight and talking about all of our problems. I miss your smile, your stubbornness, your everything. I miss you. I regret that day ever since I did that. But I hope you know why. And I thought maybe this could heal our friendship." He said the last sentence more like a question.

Paige stopped sipping her coffee, and quietly spoke. " I know why you did that. But why? Why would you do that just to protect me? Why? Why would you risk our relationship for that? You know she would do whatever she did anyway. You knew that you shouldn't trust her. So answer me. Why did you do that?"


That was probably confusing for you guys. But I will explain it all in the next chapter lol. Dw. OKAY IM LEAVING NOWW. BYEE

keep dreaming, (like always)


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