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She stared at the note in her hand.

"Oh sh*t no," she said aloud to herself.

"What is it honey?" her mother asked her from behind.

"Um...nothing mom. Just some teens playing a prank on us," Paige replied, struggling to hide the note.

Unfortunately for Paige, her mother saw.

"What's that?" her mother said, taking the note away from Paige's hands.

"Mom, it's nothing," Paige said quickly, trying to take the note back.

Finally, Paige gave up and let her mother read the note.

"Is this...?" Her mother started to say, looking up at her daughter.

"Yes, it is." Paige sighed.


Paige looked up at her mother, shocked. "What?"

"I said go. I'm forcing you to go. But first, change your clothes. You look terrible," her mother replied, looking at Paige's sweatpants and t-shirt in disgust.

"But I don-"

"Just go!"

"Ugh. Sometimes I hate you mom!" Paige groaned, before going upstairs to change. She changed into cute pink dress, with a brown belt around the waist part. Then she brushed her hair, and looked in the mirror.

"Why do I have to try to look good for this jerk?" she asked herself. Then she drove over to the same coffee shop that she went to the previous time.

As she entered the shop, she scanned the room to find Spencer. Finally, she found him at a small booth, beside the window, drinking a coffee. And he actually looked adorable.

"Hi?" Paige said awkwardly when she reached his table.

He turned around, and his eyes widened. "You look... beautiful as always."

"Why are you suddenly being nice to me? We used to be enemies! F*cking enemies! Well actually we still are!" she threw her hands up in frustration. "I give up. If this is some sort of game, or someone dared you to do this, then do it. I don't care. But not with me." With that, she walked out the door.

But that was a bad idea. Because as soon as she walked out the door, Spencer grabbed her wrist, pulled her towards him, and he kissed her. And it wasn't the first kiss she had with him either.


That was unexpected. Or maybe it was. Who knows? Haha me. OKAY I'M DONE NOW. I never really know what to write here. So yeah, I guess this is bye.

keep dreaming,


(P.S I was kidding, I'll see you guys soon lol. Did I scare some of you? Probably not. Okay I'm going now. LOVE YOU ALL.)

(P.P.S I just realized that my catchphrase was kinda mean. And just to clear things up I don't actually mean to keep dreaming in a mean way lol. Okay I'm leaving now, see you guys later!!)

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