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He never answered. He just kept on sipping his coffee, but he was still staring at her bright blue eyes.

And after what seemed like a long time, he spoke. "Because I had to. Because I f*cking had to." And with that, he left the coffee shop, leaving Paige to sit all by herself.


Paige went home, still shocked. "Why wouldn't he tell me why? I f*cking had a right to know. He was the one who broke my heart. Not the other way around."

She thought of that day as the worst day of her life.


Paige woke up on a regular school day. But it wasn't actually regular to her. Or to Spencer either. It was their one year anniversary. She couldn't believe that they had confessed their love for each other one year ago. Their relationship was one of those "let's be more than best friends" kind of relationship. In other words, or as other people put it as, goals.

She couldn't wait to get to school. She drove there as fast as she could - that is, without breaking the law of course. She grabbed her gift for her boyfriend and happily walked inside the school.

Then she saw the most horrifying scene in front of her.

Spencer was kissing Katerina, or more known as Kat who was the biggest slut in the school. Spencer opened his eyes to meet hers. Her eyes were full of pain, and tears. She dropped her gift, and ran away from the scene, trying not to cry. When she got to a corner, she burst out crying. She couldn't handle it anymore. She trusted him. And he just broke that trust. Suddenly, she heard footsteps nearing her. She looked up and saw Spencer.

"What the f*ck do you want?" she asked, as calmly as possible, but still sounding angry.

"I'm so so sorry! I have a reason why I had to do that! I was protecting you from being hurt! Please just hear me out, please," Spencer said, pleading. His eyes were full of guilt, pain, and regret.

"Funny thing is, you're the one that hurt me."



That was...pretty intense. You guys probably hate me now ☹ I'm sorry. Okay I'm leaving now.

keep dreaming,


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