Elora manipulated the sky above, a lightning bolt dashing from the clouds and releasing its painful energy within the darach.

       Jennifer fell back, her eyes suddenly burning with anger.

       "Try not to encourage me," Elora bit back.

        Jennifer rose to her feet, cracking her neck as she glowered at the witch.

        The roof fell silent, eye contact never wavering between them.

        And at the same time, they pushed beams of power at each other, it clashing violently.

       Elora clenched her teeth, fighting to keep Jennifer's dark power from taking over hers. "You have to stop this!" she yelled over the glae force winds that emitted from their clash.

        "You can't win with white magic, even your father knew that!" Jennifer shouted, beginning to take over. "If you let me go, I won't tell Deucalion where your parents are hiding."

         "You don't know where they are," El said. "We've always been careful."

        "Piraeus, Attica."

        Elora let up out of fear, her eyes wide in horror. A bolt of black power slammed into her chest. She barely had enough time to feel the pain as her head collided with metal and took her consciousness.

        "White magic never wins, sweetheart." Jennifer smirked, kneeling next to Melissa and wisping them away to the Nematon.

        Deucalion surfaced, having come up and alternate door.

        Scott bursted through the access door, "Mom! Mom!"

       "They're gone." Duke slowly came, his cane guiding him. "Guardians, Scott. If you were with me, I could've told you what it meant. I could've warned you."

        Scott kneeled by Elora, checking her pulse.

        "Let me help you, Scott," Deucalion said. "Let's help each other. You help me catch her, and I'll help you get your mother and Stiles' father back."

        Scott's eyes teared as he stood, unable to find any other option.

        He couldn't do it by himself and he knew it.

        Stiles pushed through the door, "Scott. Scott, don't do this. Don't go with him."

        Bloodied from battle, Scott spoke over his shoulder. "I don't know what else to do."

        "No, there's...Scott there's gotta be something else, okay? We always...we always have a plan B."

         Scott shook his head, on the verge of tears. "Not this time."

       "Scott," Stiles tried, desperate not to lose his best friend.

        "I'm gonna find your dad," Scott promised.

        Stiles held back a cry, "Scott!"

       But still, Scott left.

        Stiles roughly wiped under his eyes with his sleeve, moving over to Elora's body and crouching down. "Elora, you better not be dead I swear to god."

        Unresponsive, Elora was curled up against the wall, blood staining the initial place of impact where she was starting.

        Stiles swore, putting his ear to her chest. "You're still breathing. Just hang on, okay?" He lifted the witch up, carrying her bridal style back through the hospital. Minding her head as he maneuvered, her stopped in his place as the sight of an open elevator and a down Derek came into focus. "Today isn't a good day for the Hale blood, is it?"

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