Chapter 1 - A Rivalry Between the Fernandes & Strauss Families

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Eleven Years Later . . .

It seems like it was just yesterday. Every time Erza thought back to the wedding, she could remember everything so clearly. It had been the best day of her life. It was a day she would remember until the day she died. There were also some other days that she would remember. A year after the wedding, Erza gave birth to her first child. It was a baby girl. Her name was Riko. Riko was a splitting image of her mother which made Jellal very happy. Two years after Riko was born, Erza gave birth to another child. This time it was a boy. His name was Takeshi. Takeshi was a splitting image of his father, minus the tattoo of course. Now, Erza was a mother of two. She had a family . . . as well as other responsibilities.

"Daddy, when is mommy coming back?" Riko asked her father who was talking to Mirajane at the bar. Riko was now ten years old and Takeshi was eight. The two children were awaiting their mother's return to the guild. Once Fairy Tail was rebuilt eleven years ago, Erza became Master. Since she was married, Jellal and the rest of Crime Sorcière joined Fairy Tail. Erza was currently at a meeting in Clover.

"She should be back in a couple of hours." Jellal told his daughter. "Yay!" She jumped up and down, clapping her hands before going back to her little brother who was coloring at a table. "She sure does look just like Erza." Mira commented, smiling. "Yeah," Jellal nodded, "she does." He smiled to himself as he watched his two children interact with each other. Riko looked like a mini Erza and every time he looked at the girl he got happier. He was happy at the fact that his daughter reminded him of his wife. That was how it was suppose to be, right? He was proud of the fact that he had been married to Erza for eleven years now. He didn't regret any of his actions, especially not the baby-making actions.

"Wow! That's a manly drawing!" Tarou exclaimed with a wide smile. Tarou was Elfman and Evergreen's son. Yes, those two now have a child. After the guild got settled in, Gajeel, Lily, Mirajane, and Elfman went in search of Laxus and his team. They were able to convince the Thunder Legion to return and Evergreen nearly fainted when she heard that Erza had gotten married. Erza, however, was on her honeymoon at the time. Evergreen and Erza have always been competitive against each other so upon hearing that Erza was now married Evergreen took action.

It had been no secret that the two had feelings for one another. It was first discovered on Tenroujima Island during the S-Class trials. Mira knew it would happen someday, but she feared what the child would look like. Laxus gave Elfman his blessing even though Elfman denied liking Evergreen.

So while Erza was on her honeymoon, Evergreen stopped denying her feelings as well. It took some time and a lot of encouragement to get Elfman to admit his feelings as well, but nonetheless it happened. The two dated for about six months before Elfman tied the knot. Of course, Erza was back by this time and she nearly fainted.

Tarou, who was just a year younger than Takeshi, had Evergreen's brown hair and brown eyes but Elfman's tanned skin and love for manly things. "Look at my drawing!" The seven year old held his drawing up for his two friends to see. He drew a picture of his father in his beast form the best a seven year old could. "Well, look at my drawing!" Takeshi countered and held up his drawing of his father with stars around him. The two boys had had a small rivalry since they could speak. Each boy claiming that their dad is better or, as Tarou would say, the manliest. They must get that rivalry thing from their mothers.

"That's a beautiful picture, Tarou." Evergreen appeared next to her son. At first she didn't like the name, but Elfman chose it simply because it meant "manly son". If Tarou was a girl, then she would've protested but since he was a boy she just Elfman do as he pleased. "Your father is by far manlier in my opinion." She smiled and laughed triumphantly.

"Is that so?" A familiar voice came from behind the Fairy Mage. Evergreen knew who it was. She stood and turned to face Erza with a grin. "Of course. Elfman is strong, caring, and loyal; all the qualities a woman wants in a man." She glared at Erza over her glasses.

"Well, Jellal is strong, caring, loyal, and brave. Bravery is also needed in a man." Erza argued, returning the glare. Everyone felt the tension in the atmosphere change as the two woman argued. Jellal and Elfman laughed nervously and tried to go back to whatever it was that they were doing, not wanting to get in between the two wives.

This is how it occasionally was in the guild these days. Small arguments and fights here and there, just like the good old days. But that's what made Fairy Tail, well . . . Fairy Tail! If you could see them now, the disbandment eleven years ago seemed like it never happened in the first place.

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