"Coming mother!" I shouted.

I jumped up off of the chair I had been sitting on and ran barefooted downstairs.

My mother stood in the living room. Her long dark hair was pinned up and she gave a brilliant smile when she saw me.

"I have some exciting news," she said.

"Oh," I said. "What is it?"

"You remember Giuseppe Salvatore, the man your father shares a buisness with?" she asked.

I had met Giuseppe briefly before.

"Yes," I said.

"Well he has kindly invited us to have dinner with his family this evening," she said.

"That's wonderful news," I said.

"I would like you to dress in you best clothes tonight," she said. "Lucie will help you with that,"

Lucie was one of our maids.

"We are expected at sundown," Mother continued, "So you best start getting ready now."

I nodded and went back upstairs.

Lucie was waiting for me when I reached my room.

Corsets were not my ideal type of fashion, but I was used to them. I left my hair loose, not wanting to go to the effort of pinning my hair up.

The dress I wore was a deep crimson and just brushed the floor.

Our estate was next to the Salvatore's, but we arrived by carrage, because the path up to the Salvatore house was fairly long. I would not have mind walking though.

I got out of the carrage and lifted the skirt of my dress up a little, so it wouldn't get mud on it.

I followed my mother and father up the steps and onto the porch. Giuseppe was waiting for us.

"Elizabeth, Mason, I'm so glad you could come," he said to my parents when we reached him.

"It's a pleasure," My father said.

"Hello Marni," Giuseppe said, turning his attention to me.

"Good evening Mr. Salvatore," I replied.

Beside Giuseppe stood two young men. One had dark hair and brilliant blue eyes, the other had slightly lighter hair and green eyes.

"I would like you to meet my two sons, Stefan and Damon," he said. He turned to his sons. "Boys, this is Marni Sage, Elizabeth and Mason's daughter. Dinner is not for half an hour, would you boys please show Marni around?"

The boys nodded.

My mother and father followed Giuseppe into the house, leaving me and the Salvatore brothers outside.

"I'm Damon," the one with blue eyes said.

"Pleasure to meet you," I said.

"The pleasure is all mine," Damon said, gently kissing my hand. "This is my younger brother Stefan."

"It's nice to meet you," the other boy, Stefan, said.

"It's nice to meet you too," I said. "You have a beautiful home."

"It's nothing compared to the gardens," Damon said. "Would you like me to show you them?"

"Yes, I would love that," I said.

He held out his arm and I linked mine through his.

"I will join you shortly," Stefan said. "I must take care of some things first."

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