"Here is our carriage." Sebastian bowed as he opened the carriage door for them.

When all of then were in the carriage Sebastian closed the door and began to drive the horses.

The carriage ride was quiet though Kagome don't seem to notice it for she thought of a song that could work for a boy with the word "foolish."

Kagome was then thinking about something. What kind of song should I even make that a boy could sing and have the word 'foolish' in it?

As she continued to think she began to get sleepy.

When they arrived to Ciel's mansion Kagome was already a sleep.

Nobody noticed so they all began to walk out of the carriage, when Sebastian noticed that Kagome wasn't coming out he looked inside to see her sleeping against the window.

Sebastian went in and picked her up bridal style and walked out of the carriage. He was quite surprised that she was light as a feather, and when he looked at her he could resemble her to a porcelain doll with that pieceful look on her face as she sleep.

Sebastian felt her move for a bit, she then leaned closer to Sebastian and continued to sleep in a cat like way.

As Neuro watched this he seemed a bit bothered by this scene. Neuro then walked up to them and pulled out his arms and said with his usual fake smile. "Do you want me to carry her for you?"

Sebastian gave him a fake smile and replied. "No thank you, you are a guest and you don't need to worry about it. What kind of butler would I be if I can't even carry someone as I do my job?"

Sebastian then rearranged his holding with Kagome, she was still being held bridal style just on his left arm and he then walked up the front stairs where the others were and unlocked the door and kept it open for them.

When everyone was inside he closed the door as quietly as possible so he wouldn't wake Kagome up.

As he walked them toward Ciel's office so they could talk Kagome was beginning to wake up.

When she looked around she found herself in Sebastian's arms.

Kagome looked up to see Sebastian's smiling face.

"Could you put me down?" she asked.

Sebastian stopped and complied, she was then on her feet and began to follow Sebastian to Ciel's office with the group.

As they walked Kagome was kind of behind but doesn't seemed to be bothered at all about it. As they continued walking Kagome passed a room that has a beautiful big black piano. She stopped in her tracks and went into the room.

Not like they need me for something. Kagome thought as she walked toward the piano.

When Kagome tested the piano, the sound was beautiful.

She sat on the piano chair and began to play a music from the top of her head and tried to memorize it just in case there is a part that could come with the song.

Kagome couldn't help but love the sound of the music so she tried to fix a little problems as she went through it again and finished. She loved how it sounded and kept playing it over and over until she memorized the music.

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