Jay seemed to get along well with her though so I guess that was good for Nathan, I sighed sadly to myself,

"What was the sigh for Saff?" Nathan asked. Damn, I hadn't realised I'd sighed quite so loudly,

"Nothing," I replied vaguely, "just a bit fed up,"

"What with?" Nathan questioned me, and I looked at him, his green eyes looking at me sincerely. I wished that I could just tell him then and there that I loved him. But of course I couldn't. could I?

"Everything, my car, the weather, y'know..." I trailed off vaguely,

"Don't worry, we're here to make ya smile again!" Nathan said with a grin, and then he yelled, "everyone get Saff!" And he began tickling me ferociously, and then Jay joined in; although Jenny didn't. Soon, I had tears of laughter streaming down my cheeks and I was gasping for air.

"Well that certainly did put a smile on my face, although I'm not sure if that was a good way of doing it," I smiled at both the boys and they just laughed.

The rest of the afternoon whizzed by in a flash until soon it was getting dark. Every so often though, I'd quickly and discreetly sneak a look at Nathan and find him looking at me, and we'd hold each other's gaze for a moment or two and then look away awkwardy. I don't know what that was all about, but it really confused me.

"I should probably get going," I say to everyone, "its becoming quite late,"

"Aw no, stay a bit longer! It's been really fun with you guys!" Nathan pleaded,

"I would, but I really do need to go," I say with a playful laugh,

"Alright then, shall I drive you home?" Jay asks, sounding a little bit subdued. Oh geez did he spot me looking at Nathan for most of the afternoon? Oh I really hope he didn't.

"Its ok, I'll just get a bus, but thanks anyway," I say, standing up so I was face to face with Jay, and then I gave him a hug, a sad hug, this may be the last time you do this Saffron Baker, I thought to myself.

"Hey where's my hug?" Nathan shouted from his sitting position on the sofa,

"Air hug?" I suggest, putting my arms out,

"Nope, I want a proper one," Nathan pouted, so I quickly bent down and gave him a swift hug. It was a small one because I felt so awkward with Jenny and Jay watching, but in those mere few seconds - I felt something. This was nothing like I'd ever felt when I was with Jay. It was as if tens of thousands of little fireworks were exploding inside of me and it was as if the air was pulsed with electricity. And I felt that when I placed my arms around Nath's shoulders that some sort of special current was flowing through my body and connecting him to me.

Once I drew away I walked down the hallway to collect my jacket with a strange and giddy sensation filling me up. I heard Jenny say to the boys that she was heading to the bathroom. I pulled on my coat and then turned back to shout a final goodbye to Jay and Nathan - and found Jenny standing a few metres down the hallway from me.

"Erm bye," I said to her, feeling really awkward and out of place,

"I don't know what you think you're playing at," she said in a cold, hard voice,

"I'm sorry but I'm not too sure what you're on about," I say lightly,

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about, if you think that you can just flirt with Nathan like that right before my eyes then you are clearly mistaken," she hissed at me,

"I'm sorry but I don't think I was, I think you're just being over-protective over a boy you've only just met. Oh now let me think, hasn't it only been two days? Now stop giving me that crap because I can't help it if 'your precious Nath' decides that he wants to hug me. That was his decision. Not mine. I couldn't exactly say no now could I?" I retorted back, with an edge to my voice. I'm not usually as 'sassy' as this, but this girl was seriously starting to piss me off.

"Look, I'm done here, I'm seriously not in the mood to argue about this and I have an awful headache ok?" I conclude, opening the door and heading out, and feeling incredibly stressed.

"I've seen the way he looks at you though," I hear Jenny's voice say to me in the distance, I wonder about turning back, but then I just shake my head, angrily brush the tears from eyes which I hadn't realised were falling with my jacket sleeve, and go out, slamming the door shut with force behind me.

The rain is still falling heavily from the sky, anyone looking at me would think my tears were raindrops falling onto my face. No one would be able to tell how angry, hurt and confused I was. Why was Nathan doing this to me? He has a girlfriend now, a right cow, I think to myself - so why did he keep looking at me, and Jenny was right though, he was flirting with me. I let out a small scream of frustration as I walk towards the bus stop. I'm so confused. What on earth am I going to do now? As I hop onto the bus, I scroll through my contacts on my phone until I find Tanya's. She's my closest friend out of our group, and she always has great advice, about anything to be honest. Hopefully she'll be able to help me out now. If she can't, well, I don't know what I'll do.


A/N: hey :) how is everyone? Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What did you think? What do you think of Jenny? ;) it's clear that Saff doesn't like her... Anyway I know I ALWAYS say this, but thank you thank you thank you for reading this story so far - I hope I'm not boring you with it! I was so excited when it got past 600 reads yay! :D haha, anyway sorry again that I took forever to update, but I eventually found the time! Have a good weekend everyone! ~ Hannah xx

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