Leo-Chp. 6

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I woke up early the next morning. I was about to sit up when I realized that I was entangled with AJ, and suddenly I remembered the events of last night. I blushed deeply and then I remembered the mission and became afraid again. Oh god. I sighed and looked up at the trees. It was then that I noticed some birds flying overhead, and then the idea came. It sounded really cool and fun to me and I knew that Liza was going to love it. I used earth to make a rose, I then picked out two thick, pretty petals. I then took them and enlarged them. I infused air magic into the now enlarged petals and attached them to each other at the base of the petal. I then used earth to attach them to my back. I had rose wings! Some people might be like 'but she can just fly using air, so why go to the trouble doing this?' cause its fun. I beat my new wings and began to fly. By the time Liza woke up I had put some extra magic into them so that they could disappear and reappear when I wanted them to. Liza sat up and spotted me immediately. "Hey Katie, what's up?" I smiled and let my wings reappear, I then beat them so that I was flying. Liza squealed so loud that Blue and AJ woke up. AJ took one look at me and also squealed, louder and higher pitch than Liza. I burst out laughing. I then turned to Liza "Alright Liza, what do you want your wings to look like?" Liza's eyes widened so much I thought that they were going to fall out, she then screamed really, really, really loud. "Uhh four sunflower wings kinda like a dragonfly's!" I smiled and did exactly what she wanted. She was soon flying around like an insane person. I then turned to AJ. "Maple leaves please." I smiled and gave him his. He was soon also flying around. Blue took off with us. I smiled as I watched them. I then flew up right next to them. Liza flew over to me and hugged me. "Thank you so much Katie, you have no idea how much this means to me!" I smiled, I was about to reply when AJ came up to me. "Katie these are wonderful! Thank you so much!" He then kissed me on the forehead and flew away. I froze. The feeling of his lips on me was so magical that I almost fell out of the sky. Liza grabbed my hand and led me to the ground. She then turned to me, "Omg you guys are perfect for each other! I doubt Cate and him would even compare to how cute you guys are!" Then that little voice in the back of my mind whispered 'Cate and AJ look amazing together' and with that it was silent. Dumb little voice. I then looked at Liza and realized just how good the wings looked on her. "Wow Liza those wings look really good on you, you chose well." She smiled "Thanks to you!" She said. I smiled. I then had an idea, "Liza come here," I ordered. She did as I said. "Turn around so that I can see your wings." She turned and raised her wings. I then traced along her wings, purple designs started from where my finger was and spread all along her wings. It was gorgeous now. She turned to me. "Thank you so much Katie!" AJ then came down and I had an idea for his wings. "AJ...." He turned an raised his wings. I touched the edge and instantly a black boarder about an inch wide ran along the edge of his wings. "Wow," was all Liza could say. AJ smiled and then bent towards my ear, "Thanks," he whispered. Suddenly chills ran along my body. "Get a room!" Liza yelled. I smiled, "Ok," I then waved my hand and we were instantly in a wooden room. Sticks and leaves provided a roof; it almost looked like a lot of trees grew too close together. AJ smiled "Smart." I the waved my hand and it all disappeared. Liza made a face, "Do I even wanted to know what happened?" AJ smiled evilly, "Sure, so first I kissed her........." Liza screamed and yelled and told him to shut up. I laughed so hard. Blue made a loud cawing noise. It was as if AJ just realized that Blue was there. "Ahh! Blue, please don't kill me! The thing with Cate, it was a misunderstanding! Please Blue, please! Wait is Leo here? Is Adrian here? Blue please!" Confusions and worry for AJ swept over me. "AJ! What the heck are you talking about?! Blue has been here the whole time!" AJ was facing away from me and towards Blue, he was also on his knees. He whimpered. I grabbed his shoulder and forced him to look at me. I realized that he was close to crying. Sympathy filled me. "AJ, what's wrong?" He only looked down as if ashamed. I kneeled down. "AJ," I whispered his name as I hugged him. I then rocked back and forth. He hugged me back with such passion I almost fell over. I then forced my wings to become bigger so that I could hug him with them too. "With Cate gone, I totally forgot about Leo and Adrian. Adrian was a good friend of mine and Cate's. Leo was like Blue except he was mine." Confusion swept over me, "How is Blue special?" He sighed, "Blue was Cate's pet. They could talk through their minds and Blue followed Cate everywhere. Leo was like that except for me and he was a lion, he had to protect me, but I protected him just as much. He was a half fire and Blue is a half air." "What's a half?" I wondered. "A half is like having half of that element so you can only do so much with it. Leo could set his mane and tail on fire and throw fire balls, Blue could blast air and take it away from certain areas." I understood. "So why does Blue follow Katie around?" Liza asked. I totally forgot about her. AJ sighed, "I don't know." I sighed. "Guys I say we start flying," I suggested. They nodded in agreement and well all took off. As we were flying Liza squealed in delight as we flew above the forest. Suddenly I spotted a lion. I heard AJ squeal like Liza. OMG, was that Leo? AJ soared down with us right behind him. I landed behind him, but Liza chose to stay up in the air, I guess she didn't completely trust lions. "Leo it's me! Leo!" AJ screamed as the lion ran towards him. AJ bent down as Leo raced forward and tackled AJ, I laughed joyfully. I knew that AJ was almost complete. Leo looked up at me and started growling, fear coursed through me. I started to flap my wings to fly up with Liza. The lion growled so loud I flinched. His tail then lit up with fire, as did his mane. He was a half, isn't that what AJ told me? A fire ball brought me out of my thoughts as I flew faster. Liza screamed and froze the lion. The lion melted the ice with ease and sent another fire ball, this time towards Liza. She froze the fireball in midair and let it fall. "STOP!" AJ screamed. Leo stopped and turned towards his master. "That's not Cate, and THAT'S Liza, she's nice! You almost killed them Leo! STOP!" Leo looked hurt as he laid down. I landed and walked towards Leo, "Leo," I said softly as he turned towards me, "Hi I'm Katie, I'm friends with AJ. And that girl over there is Liza. I know that Cate made you angry, and I also know that I am very similar to Cate, so I understand why you got angry." I smiled at him trying to be nice. I meant it though, I did understand the confusion. Behind Leo, AJ laughed. I gave him the look. "No, no Katie, I was laughing at what Leo said." "Oh." AJ then looked thoughtful, "Hey Katie can you make Leo wings? He wants the same as me." I nodded and smiled. I then created them. Leo looked very happy and took off to go fly next to Liza. "Leo says thank you," AJ said as he flew closer to me. I smiled, "My pleasure." I then heard a soft whine, I looked up to see Blue and Leo playing happily. I smiled. Then a question came to me, "Hey AJ?" "Ya." "What did Leo say that was funny?" AJ looked hesitant and then he blushed, "He said that you remind him of Cate before the misunderstanding." "Oh," was all that I could say. "Ya." AJ replied awkwardly, "And that you and I would make a good couple." This time I blushed, how did he know?

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