The Un-Mission-Chp. 5

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Blue had joined us and had taken a liking to Liza, but she still like me better. Im not bragging, Im stating a fact. Liza and I have become BFFs, she knows about my crush on AJ. Speaking of AJ, lately he's been very distant. He hasn't even practiced with us. So Ive been training with Liza. I suddenly sat upright, I was supposed to be watching for any GMP while the others slept. AJ suddenly sat up. "Katie go to bed, I'll watch," AJ said gruffly. I glared at him "Not until you answer me this, what's wrong with you?" He looked shocked for a moment and I expected him to ask what I was talking about, but instead he said, "Katie, I think that we are all very confused. What year is it?" I looked at him weirdly before answering, "1788." Our technology is as advanced as earth's as is our culture. But our planet and race is a little younger. "Katie I was in prisoned in 679." I froze. "You were in that thing for over one thousand years?!?!" AJ sighed. "Cate's dead, or really, really, really old and gross." He smiled at the end. The pieces started to fit together. "Because there is no Cate, we are going to be running around for the rest of out lives." Suddenly there was no mission, there were no more parents, there was nothing left. I started to hyperventilate, no, no, no, no, no! This can not be happening. Black stars started to dance across my vision. AJ walked over to me and held me in his arms, "Katie, Katie, Katie we will find a way. Please calm down, Katie. Shshshshsh." His words calmed me down enough to fall asleep. But just before I did I saw Blue look over at me, a voice echoed in my mind. 'I'm sorry Katie. I couldn't.' The voice whispered and with that I fell asleep.

A/N This was a short chapter to just inform you about the change. Poor Cate. She's not an open book like what AJ is making her out to be! Also the reason there's no more parents and just nothing left is because of the GMP. If they go back they'll get arrested! So ya that's bad.

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