Dog-sitting Day (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Reiji - Morning Walk
Camus - Dog tricks
Ranmaru - Feeding time
Ai - Bath time

"Well, looks like I'm the first." Reiji said when he looked at the list.

"I'll be taking a nap then." Ranmaru said as he turned around and started walking off.

"Eh?" Reiji blinked at him.

"I need to review some of my lines from my script." Camus said after as he, too, turned around and went the other way.


Ai placed Shouta down and he looked at him with a deadpan face. "Don't lose sight of him or else we'll ALL get it from Fuyumi." He warned him while emphasizing a word as he turned around and walked off as well.

Reiji sighed as he pouted a bit after they left. "Boo..."

Shouta barked a bit and wagged his small tail at Reiji, looking like he was shaking his butt. Reiji looked down at him and smiled softly. "At least, Rei-chan isn't alone, ne, Shouta?" He lifted him up to his eye level.

The puppy wagged his tail and licked his nose while Reiji laughed at this.

"Hai hai~! Let's go for a walk now!!"


At the dog park, Reiji and Shouta walked around it. The brunet was wearing a pair of sunglasses as a disguise from the fan population while whistling a happy tune.

"Such a nice day~"

After a few minutes of walking around, Reiji decided to take a little break and sat down on an empty bench.

"Phew... Let's rest a bit."

Shouta happily replied with a small bark and sat down on the ground as he scratched his ear. The brunet hummed a song and started looking around a bit at area.

Unknown to him, Shouta watched a squirrel climbed down the tree. His tail wagged a bit faster. Reiji continued admiring the scenery.

Shouta barked and started running towards the squirrel to proceed chasing it.

"WAH?!" Reiji jolted up in surprised thus accidentally letting go of the leash as it slipped from his grasp. His eyes widened then he looked at Shouta chasing the squirrel away.

"S-SHOUTA!!" The brunet called out as he ran after him.

Reiji chased him through the bushes and around the park. He ran through the bushes once again when Shouta ran through it.

"SHOUTA! COME BACK HERE!!" He called out then he tripped on a branch as he fell to the ground.




A little later, the others waited for the brunet to come back home from the walk. Ai was tapping his foot impatiently. Ranmaru was lying on the couch as usual. Camus was reading his novel.

"He's late." Ai voiced out as the other two looked at him.

The door swung open revealing Reiji and Shouta in his hands. Ai turned around to look at him.

"There you are, Reiji. You're la--"

Camus rose an eyebrow at him as he looked from head to toe. "What happened to you?"

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