Nathaniel & Nancy | The Black Out

Start from the beginning

"I' sorry man." Daniel nodded pouting out his bottom lip as he shook his head about. His hands were still fixed in a defensive poison and he looked as though he may burst into tears. I snorted, trying desperately to compose my laughter. A shocked coupled moved past us looking on in disgust...their meals wasn't about to go down easily tonight.

Nathaniel glared at me his lips wet with vomit, I blinked innocently lowering my phone. "You got egg..." I burst into another fit of laughter pointing at the corner of my mouth. Nathaniel shivered gripping the side of the car once more. "Uh...I think I'll catch a cab." I mumbled biting back several laughs. Daniel snapped his focus back to reality and me with a fierce glare. Dropping his arms he stepped forward and froze again.

We both cringed at the squelching sound his step made, oh no...Nathaniel looked two seconds from passing out.

"Oh no you don't. Get. In the fucking. Town car." Daniel grated the words out and I winced. Sighing I shuffled around him and the mess of vomit on the previously charming pavement. Sliding into the car I rolled the window down before pulling a handkerchief from my purse, wrapping it around my nose and mouth I tied it at the back of my head.

Daniel robotically climbed in, I'd never seen him look more uncomfortable. I held a fisted hand over my mouth to control my relentless laughter. Nathaniel shakily slid into the seat beside me still pale and even sweaty. "Sure you don't need to go a third round?" Clenching his jaw he dropped his head back against the seat, Daniel gave me a warning look and I watched the driver's face twist with discomfort.

The smell must have been traumatising because by the time we'd gotten to the hotel the driver had forgotten how to blink, he only took a breath every three minutes and only through his mouth. Daniel jumped out of the car the second it had been parked while tossing a wad of cash at the driver. Nathaniel staggered out clutching his stomach and I offered the driver an apologetic smile. "This should cover the cleaning, but if it doesn't." I handed him some more money before slipping out of the car.

Daniel must have sprinted to his room because I didn't meet him at the elevator. Although the several whispered and appalled looks told me that everyone must have noticed his puke covered state. I caught up with Nathaniel and he looked if even possible even sicker than earlier. He gripped the bras railing to the right of the elevator for dear life as we ascended. "Those fish eggs not sitting right with you?" He groaned shivering in pain. I smirked but at the same time I found myself feeling concerned.

He'd been sick from fish eggs before but usually after throwing up he'd be fine. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it pressing his forehead against the elevator wall. He staggered out of the lift and shuffled down the hall while digging through his pocket for his key card. I felt terrible as I watched him hold himself up against the wall and slide the key card into its slot. Sighing I unlocked my door before tossing my bag inside, closing the door I walked over to his and held it open for him.

He spared a second from...dying, to stare at me. "I hate you..." He seethed rocking side to side as he moved into the dark room. Rolling my eyes I followed, he slipped into the bathroom and within a few minutes I heard the shower running. Swiping his spare key card from the bedside table I left the room.

Rushing up the stairs I ducked inside the chemist. Running my freezing fingers through my soaked hair I blinked the water drops away from my eyes lids. Rubbing my hands together I made my way down the aisles. Finding the electrolyte products section I scanned the shelves for Hydralyte Apple Blackcurrant flavoured electrolyte ice blocks.

A sick Nathaniel was a fussy Nathaniel. Just to be sure I had to get the ice blocks. If he wasn't in the mood to down any PowerAde at least he could suck on one of these. Picking up two packets of sixteen I headed to the counter. The older man rang me up and I shifted my other bags to my left hand. Paying I took the bag form him, "grazie."

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