4 | Paybacks A Bitch

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"Stai bene? Are you alright?" I could have listened to him speak all day, Adonis himself had nothing on this man. I'd never been rendered speechless before. Yet, here I was demonstrating the perfect example of a teen fangirl. I responded with a nod; opening and closing my mouth but no words escaped.

When I finally spoke I wished I had kept silent. "Wow..." following the single syllable was yet another humiliating display of my rapidly diminishing intellect. I'd fallen into the arms of possibly the most divine specimen to walk the earth and the best I could do was, wow- bloody useless.

The impatient sound of Nathan clearing his throat jolted us apart. Enquire straightened me, casting another charming smile in my dumbfounded direction. My cheeks flamed as I failed to regather any foundation of speech whatsoever- forcing Nathaniel to take over. "Mr Amorosi, Nathaniel Hughes." He introduced himself, offering him what appeared to be a professional handshake. Enrique accepted his outstretched offering and suddenly the atmosphere dropped. Nathaniel tightened his grip and broadened his shoulders. Enrique didn't so much as flinch, however, his features displayed intrigue.

"And I'm-" I began.

Interrupting me, Enrique returned to his charming self. "Signora Nancy Williams." He finished, winking at me. If I hadn't all but lost my dignity with my clumsiness, I just may have jumped the walking European wet dream.

Snorting out a laugh, I proved yet again that the intelligent woman I'd previously thought myself to be was nothing more then a horny teenager. "Th...that's me- uh my name, yes." I mumbled awkwardly, mentally pleading with myself to return to silence.

Taking pity the man elaborated. "Charlie sent me your files." Because this is a work engagement, Nancy- get it together! "I may have also googled you." Lightening the mood, his confession had me biting back a smile. The man had a killer combination of everything; looks, brawn, dominance, intellect, humour... the list went on. My mind stalled as I stood before the perfect bachelor and still craved the brooding man who stood adjacent to me.

Whipping his head in my direction, Nathaniel took the floor. "Nancy, would you mind showing our client, Mr Amorosi the blue-"

"Please, Enrique is fine." Like the perfect gentleman, Enrique insisted.

Scoffing, Nathanial redirected his attention to the charming politician before him. "Mr Amorosi is also fine." Scowling at Nathaniel, I tensed– subtlety had left the building, he was now being an asshole openly.

He narrowed his eyes at me in response, forcing me to clench my jaw. I'd become all but numb to Nathaniel's hatred and to an extent I believed that I deserved it. Life was punishment enough, having been forced to watch the love of my life with another woman, let alone having played the single most vital role in bringing them together.

I blamed myself for Amelia everyday, even more so I blamed myself for sacrificing my love in order to give Amelia hers. How could I have foreseen the tragedies that would follow? I needed him, after the accident and since– instead he made it his life's mission to remind me that I was the source of all his pain every single day. I destroyed three lives and I would endure his hatred for as long as his pain lasted, but I drew the line at him taking his misery out on the whole world.

There was a time I would have said Nathaniel lived and breathed for me, but now it all just seemed like a cosmic joke. The universe had brought us together only to rip us apart.

Stepping between the two, I walked deeper into the building. "It's...beautiful." I looked on in awe of the high raised, dome ceiling. I felt like I was standing in the ball room of a Disney palace. "I could stand here and admire every stone and pillar for hours...days." I breathed, momentary dismissing the men behind me.

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