Part 2

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Yasmine looked up and looked back down quickly.

"I um...I-I have to go.", she said just as the bell that dismissed us from first period rang. I shrugged my shoulder when Gizell mouthed "What the fuck?"

We got out of our seats then went to our next class. Second, third, and fourth period went by quickly. All I could think about was why people where so afraid of the Hayes. Lunch came quickly. Gizell and I had split up and gone to our lockers. I walked up to my locker and saw Hayes leaning against it, on his phone.

"Um...hey?", I said standing in front of him.

He looked up from his phone.

"Hey.", he said shutting off his phone and moving away from my locker.

"May I help you?", I asked, trying not to sound rude.

"Yes. Actually. Every girl in this school has dated me and since you're the new girl, that makes you my new girlfriend.", he said checking me out.

Did he really just say that?

"Excuse me?", I raised my eyebrow.

I mean...he was attractive but I've only talked to him for a few seconds and he already sounds like a douchebag.

"I have to repeat that?",he raised his eyebrow, mocking me.

Wow...he's a tool.

I scoffed, "How ignorant are you? I won't be and will never be your girlfriend."

He inhaled sharply and got closer,"Aw that's cute. You think you can resist me.",he said whispering into my ear.

His voice sent shivers down my spine.

I heard him quietly scoff then walk away. I closed my locker and went to find Gizell.

I saw her sitting with Grayson and I joined them.

"Hey.", I plopped my stuff down.

" okay?", she asked.

I looked around to see if Hayes was anywhere.

"Um...yeah I'm fine. Can I talk to you for a minute? Yeah? Okay.", I quickly grabbed her arm and yanked her from the table.

"Mia what happened?",she asked in a concerned tone.

I told her what Hayes told me and she asked me what I was gonna do.

"I'll just ignore him.", I said as we walked back to the tables.

Lunch was over quickly and we went to our fifth period class, Science. We walked into the class to see Hayes, Grayson, Ethan, Madison, and Amanda. They all snickered except for Grayson. He waved to Gizell.

I rolled my eyes at the other people and sat down. Hayes came up with Grayson and sat down in the seats right next to us.

"What do you want.", I snapped.

"Oh babe. I don't like your tone.", he said putting his arm around my shoulder. I brushed it off.

"Dude. Lay off.", Gizell butted in.

He glanced at her then scoffed and put his attention back on me.

"Listen, babe. If I don't get what I want, which is you...", he paused,"you don't want to know what'll happen.", he whispered in my ear, giving me goosebumps.

"Ok.", I crossed my arms,"if you leave me alone and get your hand off of me, I'll let you walk away with a non-bloody face.", I innocently stated.

"Ooo fiesty. I like it.", he smirked.

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