(Warden/Leliana) Shianni Heard A Rumor

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 "So cousin, I heard a rumor..." Shianni started, smirking at her cousin. Ravenn's pointed ears perked up, and she raised an eyebrow at the other elf.

"Oh?" Ravenn asked. The elven warden already knew what rumor her cousin was referring to. She twirled a lock of her black hair around her finger.

"Someone told me you were in a relationship with one of your party members..." Shianni continued.

"Er, yes, that is true." Ravenn interjected.

"... And that she's a shem." the redhead finished. Shianni looked questioningly at Ravenn, her arms crossed. The interrogation had begun. Ravenn sighed.

"Yes, Leliana is a shem, but she's not like Vaughn or the rest of Denerim's noble trash!" she assured her cousin. Shianni bit her lip, thinking. She drew out the silence, making Ravenn nervous. The warden started absentmindedly braiding the lock of hair she was twirling, a habit she'd picked up along the road, as she waited.

"Do you love her, Ravenn?" Shianni suddenly asked. Ravenn nodded, a blush spreading across her cheeks. Finally, Shianni smiled.

"Well, tell me about her!" she demanded, ignoring Ravenn's sigh of relief. There was a knock at the door. Ravenn was quick to answer it. It was Leliana.

"Here you are! I was wondering where you ran off to." Leliana spoke, placing a quick kiss on Ravenn's cheek. She smiled and invited her lover inside. Out of habit, their hands clasped together as they walked side by side. Ravenn led her over to where she and Shianni had been sitting. Shianni seemed pleased at the affection between the two.

"Shianni, this is Leliana." Ravenn introduced. Leliana nodded at Shianni.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." she said. Shianni returned the nod.

"The same to you." she replied. As she watched the pair while they talked, despite the fact that Leliana was a shem, Shianni couldn't say she disapproved of her cousin's relationship. After all she'd been through, Ravenn deserved to be happy, no matter who she was with.

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