(Hawke/Anders) Bad Dreams, Bad Memories

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Hawke's POV

I was laying on the old mattress in Eli's room, bound by ropes. My clothes were scattered across the floor, ripped from when Eli had torn them off. He had made me drink some kind of potion and now I couldn't even struggle against the ropes holding me.

I felt fear grip my mind when Eli turned to face me. In his right hand, he held one of my daggers, and in his left, he held a piece of cloth. I couldn't stop a whimper from escaping. His eyes were almost completely black. He wasn't himself. He couldn't be.

"Eli, please! Stop! You wouldn't hurt me, you love me! Please!" I begged It was like he couldn't hear me.

"You can't have that child, Marian. I will not let you bring another mage into this world to be corrupted!" He growled. His voice was distorted almost like a- No. No, he couldn't be...

The mattress dipped as he put a knee on it. He straddled my legs, leaning over me.

"Eli, please! Don't hurt me! I'm begging you, please, love! Don't hurt me!" I cried, breathing heavily. Tears streamed from my eyes. Panic turned my blood to ice. He brought the blade up, the metal glinting in the dim light. I closed my eyes.

"Maker, please! Someone help me! Someone-"

"Hawke! Hawke, wake up, you're having a nightmare!"

I opened my eyes to see Anders beside me in my bed in Hightown. He saw that I was awake and sighed in relief. He pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me. I tried to steady my breathing and calm down as I laid shaking against him.

"It was just a bad dream, Hawke. Eli is long gone. He'll never hurt you again. No one will ever hurt you again, love. I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." Anders assured me. I nodded. Eli was gone. Anders would protect me. Eli was gone. Eli was gone...

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