Unknown Beginnings

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(George's POV)

Fred and I were running from Malfoy. "That bubble gum prank was worth it." Fred grinned at me.

I looked at him, and we high-fived. "I told you he would fall for it, didn't I?"

"Best idea you've had this year! And it hasn't even started!" He lightly nudged me as we slowed down.

"I have better ideas to come, Freddie." I stopped running and so did Fred. "Egypt gave me lots of ideas."

"Weasleys!" We saw Malfoy's tomato, bubble gum covered face behind us. The disgusting noise of gum pealing sounded as he walked toward us. He stopped walking as we laughed.

"The gum shows his complection better than I hoped." Fred grinned.

"He actually looks good," I grinned back. "No need to change for dinner tonight." We ran down the hall and several corners to lose Malfoy. We stopped once we couldn't hear his voice anymore.

Fred laughed as he caught his breath. "You know Harry and Ron aren't going to hear the end of that."

"He did try telling EVERYONE about Harry passing out like it was worth laughing about. But I still haven't heard the end of Malfoy passing gas. Is he still sitting on the whoppi cushion?" I laughed.

We both looked at each other. "Perphaps he did pass gas on his own." We laughed harder.

Fred sat on the bench and took out some chocolate. "We should try one of my ideas now. You know, before we head to the Grand Hall."

I took the chocolate from him. "Of course, but we don't have time right now." I leaned back onto the wall. "If we did, which one should it be? One of the school pranks, or an individual prank?"


We jolted from our positions and ran down the corridor.

Fred looked at me. "You said... Oh, nevermind!" 

I looked back, noticing that Malfoy was catching up. As I was about to make an insult, but I ran into something and heard a scream. I blinked several times to perfect my vision.

"I knew you well, George!" Fred turned the corner.

"What the hell!? Watch where you're going!" A blond girl yelled at me.

I looked behind me, seeing a blur of Malfoy running towards me. Then, I saw feet. Then I looked up at bright, angry, blue eyes. "I'm... sorry, Miss uhm..."

"Alex." She raised a brow slowly.

"WEASLEYS!" Our heads whirled to Malfoy.

Alex gasped. "Slytherin."

I saw Malfoy taking out his wand, so I stood up. "Don't worry. You'll be fine." I winked at her. "He's nothing I can't handle."

Malfoy stopped a few feet in front of us. "Is this what you do? Cowar behind girls like the worthless wizards you are?" He laughed. "Is that how you two get out of your classes whenever you feel the need to? I must say that I now know why every single one of you are frightened fools."

"You might want a time-turner so you can get a better insult." The girl grinned. "That was horrible, even for the feces known as Slytherin."

I laughed and discreetly grasped my wand.

"How dare you!" Malfoy flicked his wand toward the girl, grinning. "Ex--"

"Stupefy." I flicked my wand at him, grinning. "Locomotor Mortis." We watched Malfoy's legs lock together as he fell face first to the floor. Alex laughed as I aimed my wand at Malfoy. "Engorgio." Malfoy's face swelled.

The Wizardry of Trouble Makers (Now Editing)Where stories live. Discover now