Part 1

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I grabbed my phone and ran out the door.

Shit. Late on the first day.

My new highschool was a block away. I grabbed my pennyboard and sped off to school. I got to the gate just as the late bell to homeroom rang.

Damn it...

I ran to class my first class and sat down awkwardly because the entire class had been staring.

"Late on the first day, Ms. Morales?", the teacher said looking up from the attendance chart.

"Sorry...", I mumbled under my breath. I looked around to see my best friend, Gizell, sitting two seats down in the next row beside me. I lowkey excitedly waved to her. She laughed and waved back.

The teacher called attendance and the bell signalling us to go to first period rang. I ran to Gizell and hugged her.

"DUDE!!! WHAT'S YOUR CLASS SCHEDULE?", she squealed excitedly.

"Math, English, History, P.E., Science and Art.", I laughed then read off my card.

"No lie?! DUDE. We have all of our classes together!! Fuck yeah!!", she screamed as we both walked to math class.

"Ugh...math...", I groaned. We walked into class and sat down next to each other. All eyes were on us because we were the new kids in school. Apparently new kids were rare...

I quietly scanned the classroom and my eyes stopped at one boy. He looked a grade older but it wasn't weird because Gizell and I were in geometry which was 10th grade math but we were in 9th grade.

The boy had blue eyes and dark brown hair...a weird combo...but he was really attractive.

I whispered,"Gizell...that guy over there...he's hot."

She quickly turned around and yelled,"Where?",earning a few looks from a few students, including the boy.

I smacked her arm and whisper-yelled,"Why are you so fucking loud?!"

She giggled and turned around,"Ohhhh....the guy with blue eyes? He has a big head...."

I looked back up to the boy and saw him looking our way. He gave us a "too-cool-to-wave-to-you-freshmen" nod and went back to talking to his friends.

"Woah...woahwoahwoah MIA.", Gizell said panicking.

"What? What?! What's wrong?", I said grabbing her arm so she wouldn't spaz out of her desk.

"He's hot.",she said signalling towards a boy with a chiseled jaw who was talking to the blue-eyed boy.

I giggled.

"DUDE.", Gizell spazzed again.

"WHAT?!", I jerked up from looking at him.

"He has a twin.", she tried to contain herself but it looked like she was gonna explode.

"Well shit...", I said looking at both of the pair of twins.

The bell rang and all of the students got into their seats.

"Morning students, we have two new classmates today", the teacher smiled,"Why don't you come up and introduce yourselves then tell us something you like to do.", she said looking at Gizell and me.

We looked at eachother and mouthed "Fuck no."

We awkwardly sat there for a few seconds, which felt like hours and felt everyone's gaze burning through us. I quietly got up and Gizell followed. I walked to the front of the class and heard a few giggles. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face the class.

"I'm Mia, I'm from North Carolina, and I like volleyball.", I said, trying not to embarrass myself. I looked over to the blue-eyed boy and saw him smirking.

"Um...Hi I'm Gizell, I'm also from North Carolina, and I like to longboard.", she said, her glasses fogging up slightly. It happens whenever she's nervous. I noticed that the boy Gizell pointed out was smiling at her so I gently bumped her on the shoulder and she looked towards him then shot her gaze towards the ground.

"Ah...that's great girls!", the teacher peppily said," Why don't you meet your peers.",she said signalling for the first row of students to greet us.

"Um...I guess...", I whispered to Gizell.

We shook hands with every student. The blue-eyed boy was next.

"Hey, I'm Hayes.", he said in a slight southern accent.

I choked on my words once he took my hand.

"Hi, I'm Mia.",my cheeks felt like they were on fire.

His eyes were so blue and beautiful...his smile was perfect...his little accent was so cute...

I shook the other boy's hands, not paying attention to their names because I was still stuck on Hayes....

"Mia.", Gizell snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?", I said looking towards her.

"Class is over...we gotta go to English now.", she dragged me out of class,"So...did you get a moment wi-"

"Hayes.", I cut her off. He was coming towards us.

Shit what do I do.

" friends wanted to ask if you would sit with them at lunch.", he said to Gizell.

"W-What? G-Grayson?", she stuttered. Aw and her glasses were fogging up.

"Um...yeah...", he said a little weirded out.

"Y-Yeah sure.",she smiled nervously.

"Oh and Mia.", he said looking at me.

I instantly froze.

"Y-Yeah?", I asked hesitantly.

"I'll see you in a bit.", he said then he turned around and walked away.

Gizell and I looked at eachother then we walked to English class.

"Hi!!! You guys must be the new students. I'm Yasmine.", she said pulling us in for a hug.

"Uh... Hi", I giggled.

"Oh! We should totally hang out together. I can tell you the do's and dont's of this school.", she smiled.

"Yeah...sure that'll be cool.", Gizell smiled back at her, I nodded in agreement.

"OK first off: DON'T talk to of look at Hayes Grier or his group. He OWNS the school.", she said in a serious tone.

Gizell scoffed,"Owns?"

"Hayes? Why is he so bad?", I asked cutting her off.

"No one told you guys yet?", her eyes shot open.

Author's Note: Hey babes I know its super weird for me to be doing a Hayes Grier Fanfic but I thought, "Why the fuck not?" and my best friend wanted me to write one so...yeah...please vote and comment babes. Love you gorgeous xx-Gizell

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