Chapter 4: Sparks Fly.

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AN: I don't own Fall Out Boy, or their music. I don't own Autumn, she belongs to my friend, Sophie. I just own Jessica, and my own writing.

Jessica's POV

It took a while before Joe eventually brought the car to a stop outside a small house. I went to get out, as Joe placed his hand on my arm. When I turned to look at him, Patrick clambered out of the back seat.

"Thanks for the lift, Joe." He thanked my brother, who responded with a simple nod. Patrick then turned his attention to me, adjusting his hat slightly. "It was nice to meet you, Jess. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow." He added, and I gave him a grin.

"You certainly will! See you around, Trick!" I replied, rather too enthusiastically, as Patrick softly smiled back. He didn't say anything else, before he shut the car door and turned to walk up the driveway to, what I presumed was, his front door. Letting out a soft sigh, I returned my attention to my brother.

"So, what do you think of him then?" He questioned, starting up the engine once again. This was the first time he'd made any effort to talk to me this entire journey, so I felt strangely odd that he'd chosen to ask this.

"He's alright." I responded, shrugging my shoulders slightly. "He's quite cute." Joe shot me a glare, as a giggle emitted from my mouth. "Don't worry. I'm not going to date him or anything! I don't think I'm really his type."

"Good." Joe confirmed. "Because I forbid it." I raised my eyebrows, which caused him to add, "I mean it, Jess. I forbid you to date him, or Pete, or Andy." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest defensively. It was then that something occurred to me.

"Wait. Who the hell is Andy?" I demanded to know.

"Our drummer." Joe answered. "Have I not mentioned him?" I shook my head in response. I'd never heard him talk about anybody called Andy. Not as far as I could remember, anyway. "Well. You can't date him either. They're all off limits."

"Oh yeah, cause I'm totally going to date some guy I've never met. You know me so well, Joseph!" I replied sarcastically, as I heard Joe let out a faint laugh. "Besides, I'm not here looking for a relationship. I don't have the time, nor the patience. And after what happened with Luke, I don't really want a new boyfriend."

"Luke?" Joe asked, clearly dredging through his memory to bring light to what I had just said. "Oh. Him. You dated six years ago, Jess, when will you get over that?" I could only shrug my shoulders in response.

Luke had been the first serious boyfriend I'd ever had. We'd met when we were put next to each other in Math, and our relationship had kind of escalated from there. I absolutely adored him; I practically worshiped the ground he walked on for most of our relationship, and I knew he felt the same. But then, as always, something happened. Neither of us cheated on each other, or anything like that. What happened was that I met Autumn, and she felt that Luke was bad for my 'image', so I had to get rid of him. And since then, I had refused to get involved with anybody romantically. It would just end badly, especially if Autumn or Jason didn't like them.

I was so lost in my thoughts that it took me a while to realize that the car had stopped once again. I came crashing back to reality, as I asked, "Where are we?"

"My house." Joe stated as if it was obvious. Upon seeing my slightly bemused expression, he placed his hand on my shoulder in concern. "Are you alright? I know Luke is still a sore subject for you." I nodded my head, immediately preventing myself from having any sort of emotional reaction.

"I'm fine." I replied simply, opening the car door and stepping outside into the cool evening air. Zipping my jacket up to prevent myself from feeling the cold, I began to walk up the driveway by myself. However, when I reached the front door, I had to wait for Joe to catch up to me and unlock the door. As soon as I could, I entered the house and was slightly surprised by how large it was on the inside. It was much bigger than the apartment I'd shared with Jason and Autumn, which reassured me slightly. I'd never liked small, compact houses, I always felt much safer in larger houses, mostly because there were more places to hide and explore.

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