Chapter 5: If You're Gonna Be The Death Of Me, That's How I Wanna Go.

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AN: I don't own Fall Out Boy, or their music. I don't own Autumn, she belongs to my friend, Sophie. I just own Jessica, and my own writing.

Jessica's POV

"So, when do you want to start practising?" Patrick questioned, as I bit down on my lower lip and began to think.

"Anytime today would be good for me. Maybe after you guys have done rehearsing?" I replied, and Patrick nodded in response.

"Sure, that's good for me." He answered, taking back the guitar he had placed in my hands. "I'll come find you when we're done, ok?" I nodded my head, getting on my feet. I gave my brother a soft smile, before leaving the room and heading back upstairs in time to catch Andy on the top of the stairs.

"Hey." I greeted him. "I think they're starting, so you might want to hurry." Andy nodded his thanks, producing two narrow drumsticks from the inside pocket of his jacket.

"See you around, Jess." He called, as he quickly moved back downstairs. I ran a hand through my hair, as I tried to think of something I could do to kill some time.

I could go in the shower. That might be a good idea, based off the state of my hair. After grabbing a shirt and jeans from my bag, I wandered off in search of a bathroom. After opening 4 doors, I finally managed to find a large bathroom and entered. I shut the door behind me, and pulled off my shirt gingerly and nearly screamed when I caught sight of myself in the mirror. Pretty much all of my chest had turned a faint grey colour, while several long narrow cuts intersected the blueish-grey mess that was my chest. My hands trembling, I traced one of the cuts, and was nearly forced to double over at the sharp pain that caused. It was honestly a miracle that I hadn't broken a bone from the fall. I had no idea how I hadn't. Letting out a groan, I peeled off my jeans and wasn't surprised to find that the damage to my legs was pretty much the same.

Well, I wouldn't be wearing a bikini anytime soon.

My body currently resembled mushy yogurt and I felt extremely nauseous at the sight of the damage. How was I going to hide this from Joe? He wasn't stupid, he'd notice that my skin had changed colour dramatically. In an attempt to distract myself, I turned and stepped into the shower, allowing the warm water to smooth my damaged skin. I have no idea how long I was in the shower, but by the time I stepped out, the pain had receded slightly. As I pulled on the long sleeved shirt, I was disturbed by the door being opened. I jumped, turning to face the door as I saw who had opened it.

It was Patrick.

He also jumped upon seeing me.

"Holy smokes! I'm so sorry, Jess!" He exclaimed, going to cover his eyes and leave the room. Unfortunately for me, it was in this moment that he noticed the state of my legs. He studied them in confusion, before looking back up into my eyes. "What happened to you?" My heart began pounding loudly in my chest at this question. What should I say? I couldn't tell him the truth! He'd almost definitely tell Joe, and then I'd be screwed. And how could I explain what happened? 'Oh, I jumped out a window running away from my gang member housemate, and now I'm on the run so he won't kill me because I stole from him?' That sounded mad! So, I said the first thing that came into my mind.

"I...I fell down the stairs." Oh yes, good one, Jess! He'll totally fall for that! Patrick raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"What really happened?" He asked, crossing his arms. I let out a soft sigh, and looked down at my bare feet.

"I can't tell you." I answered. "Patrick, please don't tell Joe. I'm begging you, please don't!" My voice began to break towards the end of my begging, which caused Patrick's expression to soften.

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