Chapter 1: I'm A Nightmare, Dressed Like A Daydream.

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AN: I don't own Fall Out Boy, or their music. I don't own Autumn, she belongs to my friend, Sophie. I just own Jessica, and my own writing.

3 years later...

Jessica's POV

I watched in mild intrigue as Autumn picked up the bottle of vodka from the aisle and handed it to her brother, Jason. He placed it inside his jacket, which caused me to raise an eyebrow. "You do realise you can legally buy alcohol now, right?" I questioned, which caused Autumn to roll her eyes. 

"I have more important things to buy with my money," she replied simply. After she'd cracked open another bottle of vodka and taking a swig from it, she handed it to me and gestured for me to do the same. I winced slightly as I pressed the bottle against my lips. I'd always hated the taste of vodka. A sour look formed on my lips as the clear liquid began to burn the back of my throat, and it took everything I had to not spit it out. Apparently my body still wasn't used to taking in large quantities of alcohol, even though that played a large part in spending time with Autumn and Jason. When Autumn's attention was diverted, I was able to stop drinking thankfully, and I quickly replaced the lid of the bottle. Becoming aware of the faint numbing sensation that was still present in my mouth, I let out a slight cough, unable to stop myself from doing so. "You alright there, Jess?" Jason questioned with a faint smirk on his face. I let out a fake laugh, as it was always best to play along with him, and lightly hit his shoulder. 

"Course I am," I replied as he grabbed hold of my wrist tightly. 

"Good. I would hate it if something was to happen to you, Jessie." Jessie. That nickname made my skin crawl. I wasn't particularly fond of Jason. There was something a tad creepy about him. But, as he was Autumn's brother, I had to be nice to him. Acting in any other way towards him would earn me unnecessary conflict with Autumn that I truly didn't need.

Just from looking at the pair of them, you could tell they were siblings. Everything about them was the same. They had the same stance at nearly all times, same cynical chocolate brown eyes, and of course the same curly brown hair. They were so unlike Joe and me, it was quite interesting. We were different, but that was what kept us together. Opposites always kept together much better, I tended to find.

I pulled my hand away from Jason soon afterwards, noting that bruises would almost definitely form there from how tightly he'd been holding onto my arm, as Autumn began to walk off in the other direction towards the doors of the store. I placed the half-drunk bottle of vodka back down on the shelf and jogged after her, a small part of me being fearful that one of members of the shop security might come after me if I fell too far behind. "Chill, Jess!" Autumn confidently encouraged, as she strutted out of the supermarket doors and turned a corner. I copied her, managing to get a few steps out of the door before as a loud beeping noise reached my ears. Of course, Jason had set the alarms off. Autumn let out a sigh of irritation, apparently not used to this despite the many times that we'd set the alarms in stores in the past, before she turned on her heel and began to run as quickly as her small legs could manage. 

I felt a slight smile form on my lips as I copied her, pushing myself to go as quickly as physically possible. This was why I stuck around. This was why I put up with Jason and his creepy ways and continued to exist within this world. The feeling and the adrenaline rush that you get from running from a security guard is exhilarating. There was truly nothing like it, and I loved it. I constantly kept running, refusing to look back or look at anything that wasn't directly ahead of me. I didn't have time. If I wanted to get away successfully, I didn't have time for studying my surroundings.

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