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Pewds pov.

"Ugh!" I groan. This has been one of the hardest days of my life! It was drill after drill. I met some cool people though, so that's nice. After I arrived here yesterday, we were given a shot briefing and tour as well as diner and sleeping arrangements. It wasn't to bad but the cot was less comfortable then the bed would be.

I sat down at the table in the mess hall with a sigh and stare at my "meat" and "potatoes".  Jack, the gray haired Irishmen, comes over with a big smile and motions towards the seat across from me.

"My I?" He asks.

"Be my guest."

He sits down just as Mark and Ken come over as well. The sit on either side of me and we all start to chat about today's events.

"You'd think they would start us out easy." Ken was saying.

"Yeah! Most of us have little to none as far as training goes!" Jack points out.

"I'm lucky if I go to the gym more then once a month!" Mark said and we all gave him a questioning look. "What?" He notions to his body. "This is all natural baby!" I look over and see Jack blush slightly and I can't keep the knowing smile off my face. I poke Ken and point to our comrades reddened cheeks. He lets out a low chuckle before smiling towards the British woman with purple bangs.

"Minx!" He calls. She looks over at us, relieved. The woman named Minx walks over and we all introduce ourselves. We all sit and chat and I can't help but notice that Jack and Mark seemed to have completely forgotten about us. I smile to myself and think about Ryan.

They said that we could contact our families after diner and I couldn't wait! I scarfed down the last bite of food before standing to put the tray away.

"Hey Felix, where you off too?" Ken asked.

I blushed and before I could reply, Minx speaks up. "Don't stand in the way of him and his hubby's cyber sex!" My jaw drops and all the people around me burst out laughing.

"Shut up!" I call as I run towards my barrack.

I'll deal with them later. At least now I can call Ryan. I start my computer and load up Skype. I sent out the call and waited for an answer. Just when I was about to give up, the call is answered and I see him is in our bedroom. "Ryan?" I ask.

"Ohh h-hey buddy!" He says happily. "Did-dn't know you could call me. From up there!"

"What? Have you been drinking?"

"Not for the last," he checks his watch, "five minutes."

"Oh my god, have you been at home drinking since yesterday?"

"Fe, calm d-down. It's just like therapy." He almost sings.

"It's not like therapy! Your gonna give yourself alcohol poising if you've been at it for this long! And what do you need therapy for?!"

"Uh duh!" He says, as if I'm being completely ridiculous. "My husband just died!"

"What? Ryan, I didn't die!"

"I seem to remember you dying around noon yesterday!"

"I didn't die, I just left!" I say angrily. I can't believe he would do this. What good could come of drinking himself into a coma?

"You... You left me?" He asks, eyes watery.

"Not like that!" I know he's just drunk and will come to his senses in the morning, but I still don't want to see him cry. "I had to go because I was drafted!"

Love and freedom (pewdiecry AU)Where stories live. Discover now