Two and a half minutes later I was enjoying my drink and chewing on a lemon slice.

"I should have guessed this was where I would find you," I heard Erin say as she got onto the bar stool beside me.

"Yep," I said popping the p.

"He still brings out the best in you," she exclaimed while motioning to the bartender that she wanted the same as me. He looked like he was about to protest, but then sighed and began to work his magic.

I nodded my head in the direction of the kid. "He's a good boy."

"We should give him a treat."

"Good idea. We should also teach him to play dead, that way the bar is all ours!"

Erin's drink then arrived and we couldn't help but chuckle. I saw Jack walk through the door and frowned. Erin followed my line of sight and gave me a comforting smile.

"Let's go find out seats," she said, grabbing me in one hand and her drink in the other.

So.... Dinner was successful.

Erin and I was placed at two different tables.

I was surrounded by bitches who was either married or rich, things I was not.

During the head course I managed to spill some gravy on the thigh of my dress, so it looked like someone had pooped in my lap. Rubbing sparkling water on it didn't even help that much (which earned me some strange looks from the people sitting close to me. Me asking if they enjoyed the show, probably didn't help either.)

During dessert I almost choked to death because of a damn blueberry. Who gets a blueberry stuck in their throat you might ask. Me, that's who!

By the time the headmaster announced that it was time to proceed into the Party Room (The fuck, Lisa?) I was just about ready to leave this place. I spotted Erin through the crowd and caught up to her.

"Hey, Hon, can we please leave now?" I asked grabbing her hand.

"Great idea! Let's just raid the bar first," she answered wiggling her eyebrows.

Erin gets the best ideas!

We ran into the Party Room trying to spot the bar, which of course was way in the back. That would definitely make it harder to sneak out our stolen goods. The room was filled with loud music and people dancing to the beats. If we were in luck they would be too drunk to notice us. Erin began to make some weird movements with her hand and I soon discovered that she meant we should split up. I took the right, she took the left. I made my way towards the bar, pushing passed dancing people and I barely made it halfway there, when someone grabbed my waist and I was pressed up against a sweaty chest. Joseph's sweaty chest.

"Hey, babe," he whispered in my ear. "Dance with me."

"Nope, I have places to be."

"Come one. Just one dance."

"Why?" I asked him defiantly.

He smirked. "Because you want to."

Those words and the way he said them made my stomach (and other parts of my body) tickle.

He pulled me in again and began to kiss my neck. Unfair. He knew that was my weakness. To not become completely insane by his talented lips, I pushed him away and jumped into the arms of the first man I could find. I did notice that the owner of those arms was Jack but in that moment I didn't care. I was drunk and desperate to get away from something that would certainly end up a very big mistake.

"Don't ask any questions, just dance with me while I make my way to the bar," I said placing his hands on my waist.

He looked shocked, but he followed my lead anyway.

I noticed that he had taken off his tie and unbuttoned the three first buttons of his black dress shirt. Looking up I also noticed that his hair was ruffled from what looked like him running his hand through it one too many times. My eyes connected with his dark brown eyes, and I felt like punching him in the face. You know, just to make his face stop looking so god damn perfect. And right at that moment, "The one that got away" by Katy Perry started to play. Shoot me, just shoot me now.

"Your name is underscore?" His voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked down at my name tag that I still hadn't filled out, and let out a chuckle.

"You want to go somewhere more quiet?" He asked me just as we reached the bar. I was just about to tell him off, but decided against it. My teenage heart (Because apparently I have two) wanted to go with him, and in the spirit of the reunion I decided to take his outstretched hand and go with him.

We walked into one of the abandoned hallways that lead away from the party and sat down on the stairs that could take you to the basement. The loud music boomed in the background, and you could hear someone yelling and laughing out on the football field. Nothing had changed.

"So what have you been up to these last 10 years?" Jack asked me as he turned around on the stairs so he was facing me.

"Not much. I moved home to my father and found some work," I said, knowing I didn't have to explain why I moved away from my mother. "Then me and Erin found an apartment - we always used to talk about how we wanted to live together one day. Anyway, how about you?"

"Went to college then became partner at my fathers law firm. Because of the publicity of the Michaelsons I often visit different countries and States to consult."

"Then you kind of followed your dream. You always wanted to see the world," I said, looking down at my hands.

We sat in silence for a while.

"God I hated this school," I sighed.

Jack chuckled. "You hated me."

I quickly glanced at him and then looked away again. "True."

I cleared my throat and stood up.

"Well, I better go. Erin and I had plans to rob the bar of alcohol and bring it back home, most likely to consume while watching 'Lie to me'. I believe she is probably having some trouble with finishing the mission when she is one agent down." I turned my back to him and began to walk away.

"You are so weird," I heard him say after me.

I turned around and made eye contact with him for the first time after leaving the party.

"Goodbye, Jack," I half whispered, half said.

And then I walked away.

Or I would've if Jack hadn't grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall.

The shock I was feeling was perfectly mirrored in Jacks face, telling me he was as surprised by his actions as I was.

And then he kissed me.


Hope you liked the chapter, it is my favorite one for now.

Picture of Catherine's haircut at the top :D


Ps: Nick changed name to Joseph, and Jack is now a lawyer.

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