Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 (Cody)

It was a couple of weeks now since I had taken the job. Mrs. Williams had talked about what Jason was to do before his death, and I had to go to a meeting with Joey that day.

Joey at first though was confused, he kept asking what had happened to Jason and said he would not say anything until he found out.

In the end I told him what happened, "Jason was killed by the man," I said, "Alex."

Joey looked horrified, "So that would explain why his body looked like a mess. My mom said he had broken bones. She works at getting the body ready to be burried."

"Yea I talked to her," I said, "His body was terrible, Joey. You really don't want to see it ever."

"I know," Joey said, "What are you going to do about the one who killed him?"

"We really can't do much, I hope to find Emily soon, but really can not do much about the man who killed Jason," I said, "I mean really the man who killed him is dead already."

"I know," Jason said sadly, But then he perked up again as if nothing was wrong, "So what are you here for?" He asked.

"I need to know everything that you and Jason talked about." I said.

Jason nodded, "Okay, that is no problem."

"Good, so start from square one," I said, "What was the first thing you remember when talking to Jason."

Joey sighed softly before speaking, "Well we talked about Emily for a little while and I told him how the reason I had stopped talking to Emily was because of the scares I have now forever from the same person that had taken Emily."

"May I see them?" I asked.

Joey nodded and pulled up his sleeves showing me the few scares on his arms. He was looking down as he talked, "My mother seen them when I was little and told me that I couldn't see Emily anymore. So I became a sluty person trying to fill the heart that Emily wasn't able to anymore."

"You loved her?" I asked.

Jason nodded and laughed shortly, "Yea I did love her, it's odd how that happens. I remember when we were younger I would sleep over at her house, We would sleep on the floor and stay up all night talking to one another. She would show me some of the scares on her arms and legs and would talk about who had done it to her," He said, "And when she asked about who had done the scares on me I would lie and tell her kids in school. SHe was always being expelled for beating kids up over my lie. I felt bad."

"Then why did you lie to her?" I asked.

Joey looked up then as he spoke, "I couldn't tell her the truth. I hated myself for it but I just couldn't. I told no one the truth."

"What about your girlfriend?" I asked, not meaning to.

Joey laughed, "Like I would tell her anything about that. I don't really even like her. She is just someone to fill my heart. When I am with her I think of Emily all the time," Then he pulled something out of his shirt handing it to me.

It was a small picture of him and Emily when they were five years old just before they stopped being friends. Emily was in a blue dress, and Joey was in a tux. They were dancing together happy as ever. "What is this?" I asked.

"That was a few days before my mother told me I couldn't be friends with Emily anymore. I had this picture since then in my pocket. I would look at it a lot, even when I am with my girlfriend. She would ask what it is and Id just tell her a picture of me and my friend when I was younger. Which wasn't a lie but I never said who it really was I would always say her name was Sammy, just so no one would know I was her best friend, and that I had loved her."

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