Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 (Mrs. Williams)

Today was Jason's funeral. I made sure to make arangements for everything.

Jason didn't have any family left, so all that actually showed up at his funeral were friends and co-workers and of course my husband and I.

My husband and I even payed for his funeral. We made sure it was everything he would want. They played Amazing grace by John Newton, and everyone talked about what they would always remember about him, then everyone went and said their prayers. After the first part of it everyone got in their cars and went to the actual cemetary where we would bury Jason. I noticed that most of his co-workers were crying, along with myself. When we got to the cemetary everyone got out of their cars and we made their way to were his grave stone would be.

It was cold out, and I had forgotten to bring a sweater, but I really did not care. I was there, and I knew that Jason would have wanted me here if he could have been here.

At about six everyone placed flowers on his coffin. I had asked for it to be made just for him so it had caused a lot. On the cover of his coffin there was a cross for his church, and then there were engraved words saying 'I walk with him,' we also had an angel holding out her hand as if welcoming him to follow her. And I knew he would be welcomed to follow her, I knew that he would be accepted into heaven, because that is where he belong.

At seven the funeral ended, I noticed that my make-up had smudged and I probably looked like a real mess in my long black dress. Everyone at this time was also headed back to their cars but myself and my husband. We had stayed behind. I was holding deep pink roses in my hands, and as I layed them down on his coffin I said their meaning, 'thank you, for caring and I appreciate all the help you have given even though it had led to you're death. Thank you,' then my husband and I left, but not before my husband added his own thank you, and saying he would avenge Jason's death.

We arrived home about an hour later, after the small get together that we held.

At about nine I finally went to bed, I knew that nothing would be the same without Jason. He was the only person that didn't laugh at us when we said that our daughter was not dead. We knew we would probably never find another that would be nice like he had been.

After about three weeks though my husband and I finally started to look around for another person that would be willing to help us. We never really expected to get anyone since our first help had been murdered by the same man that had taken our daughter, but in the end we did get someone to help.

His name was Cody, and he was nineteen years old. Not the normal age for the job we were in need of but he was all that was willing.

We asked if we could meet up with him in about three days and he said name the time and place and he would be there so we told him coffee shop at five p.m. sharp.

Three days later Cody was at the coffee shop waiting for my husband and I. We asked him some basic questions, and asked him why he was willing to help, he gave us his simple answer of, he could see them, so he figured he would be best to help with the job.

"What can you see?" I asked him when he had said this.

"The same people that had taken your daughter. The ghosts, the dead." He said, "You see your daughter and I are kind of the same, but the only difference is I hadn't been taken, you're daughter has. But I can still help with finding her. It's better that I can see them though."

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