Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 (Emily)

It was five p.m. when dinner started and that I noticed a new member in our group. She called herself Zoey, and she was eighteen years old. She did not remember how she had died but all she knew was that her parents had stayed up crying for hours becasue of her death. She would talk about how she missed them and her little brother and would talk about how she wished she could have lived just one more day with them. Just to have one more day to tell them good-bye. Instead, she was taken with out a blink of an eye, never to see them again. She had no good-bye she had no hello. It was just a story that never really began in the first place.

We had seen each other a bit before everyone else so I had the chance to talk to her even before Alex had.

Our conversation then was something like this, "Hello Zoey,"

"Hello Emily," Zoey said with a smile, "It's nice to meet you, how long have you been here?"

"Only a couple of weeks," I told her with a smile.

She nodded, "Oh well thats cool. Anything I should know about?"

"Alex is someone you should worry about," I said. It was the first thing I could actually think of. Of course it was true about. She did have to worry about him.

"Why is that?" She asked.

"He is not who he seems to be," I said, "Just think about that as you live here."

"No one is who they seem to be though," Zoey said, then added, "I can tell you are not who you seem pretend to be."

"Yes but I am not evil either."

"Nor is he." She said with a small smile.

I sighed, "If he was not evil then why am I here?" I said this knowing I would not get an answer, or rather knowing I would not get the answer I wanted.

"Evil is Evil. Alex is not Evil, he is a follower, and only fears his master. Just like you fear your master."

"That made no sence." I told her.

"Look all I am saying is that sometimes people put on a fake face to hide who they really are. Just like you are doing here in this place. You do not belong and yet you are here. Alex knows he does not belong in this place, or rather he knows that what he is doing is wrong, and yet he does it anyways."

"Why?" I asked.

"I would not know since I am new here, but I am thinking fear has something to do with it," Zoey said, "Everyone has fear, and if you can find the one thing that can change him then he may just go back."

"Would you help us find it?" I asked, "I can not do that on my own since I have to work every day."

"How about I help you in two ways, I can help clean and help you find Alex's weakness to getting him to become good," She said, "And while that is going on you can tell me about yourself, and what you are doing here since I know you are not one of the dead."

"I like that idea," I said with a smile, "So we should get to work then, cleaning the rest of the rooms, then we can meet up with everyone else at about seven and have dinner."

"Okay good idea."

For the rest of the night until about seven-thirty P.M., Zoey and I cleaned the other fourteen bedrooms then we went to have dinner.Amy had saved us some food on the side so we would not go hungry, and we ended up talking for about two hours while we ate. We talked about everything from Alex to how I came to be here to who Angel was and who Evil was. I never thought someone so new could have so many questions about just one person.

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