We laughed, "It's nothing bad." I said.

He did not look like he beileved us, "What are the rules?" He asked again.

"You can't tell anyone of our meetings mostly," I said. "Thats our main rule here."

"Well that I heard before." Derrick said with a small smile.

"Okay good," I said, "Then welcome to our group. Would you like to tell us what you know?"

"If I must," Derrick said with a laugh, then he looked at us finally noticing that we were not laughing with him, "Okay no fun there, but anyways Alex was talking about how he needed some things. I really do not know what he needed but he said that they were important. He was bringing a few of his newer minions with him during this raid."

"Okay," I said, "You think that has anything to do with what you and Angel said about things being harder Amy?" I asked.

"I think it may EMily." She said, then she looked at Derrick again, "Do you know anything else?"

"Alex is plaining a war," Derrick said randomly.

"A war?" I asked as I looked at Bri and Amy who looked terrified and pale like I was.

"Yea, I think thats what he wants everything for, he wants to start a major war with people, like Angel and you Emily." Derrick said.

"But why?" I asked.

"Becasue you are his enemy Emily." Derrick said, "He wants you gone."

"I know he does."

"Thats why he wants the war." Derrick said, "I don't know when it will start though, but I am sure it will be soon."

"It probably will be."

"I guess we just have to be as ready as possible," Amy said.

"How are we going to be?" I asked.

"Just being on the look out is all we can do really," She said, "Alex will try something soon probably, we have to watch for that."

I nodded and so did Bri and Derrick.

"So is that everything for todays meeting?" I asked.

"Yea I belive so." Everyone said, then Bri said, "I really can not think of anything else anyways."

"Okay then." I said, "Then we will pick up in a few days or so, soon though. See what you all can come up with and we will talk about that soon."

"Yes we will," Amy said as she got up to leave the room, Bri following shortly after leaving Derrick and I alone.

"What are you going to do?" He asked.

"Just try and live," I said, "That's all I can do really."

"I know."

"May I ask something?" Derrick asked a few minutes later.

"Sure what is it?" I asked, looking at him.

"Well what did you talk about with Angel and Amy before?" He asked.

"Oh you mean a few days ago?"

"Yea." He said.

"Well Angel was telling Amy and I about what the best day for going against Alex would be." I said.

"What did she say would be the best day?"

"She said that the best day would be the day that I had been taken. My birthday, and the day that Evil wants me to be dead.," I said, "Angel was talking about how Evil will probably be pissed when Alex tells him that I am not dead yet, so he may be punished for it."

Derrick nodded to what I said then said, "So not to long from now."

It wasn't a question but I still answered it like one, "Yea not long. Alex is going to try some things though. He doesn't have much time left now so he will try what he can."

"I know," Derrick said, "I would think that."


"What else she say?" He asked.

"Just that I had to be careful really." I said.

"Well that one is true, you do need to be careful."

"I know I do."

"Okay," Derrick said, "I guess I will see you around, and next meeting we have then."

I nodded, "Yes," I said, "We will see eachother soon, Also Derrick, thank you, and be careful."

"I will," Derrick said and then him and I both left together not to speak another word about our plans and our meeting.

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