Benny Prasad - From physical disabilities to World Record holder Part 5

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Who could ever imagine that someone whom people considered worthless and useless would one day become the person who would hold the World Record for travelling to most countries in the shortest length of time? Benny Prasad did just that.

Benny Prasad, having travelled to 250 countries in 6 years, 6 months and 22 days, now has a vision to settle in Bangalore and start a coffee shop called "Chai 3:16". His intension for the shop is to give hope to youngsters, reaching out to them and ministering to them through drinking coffee.

Benny is known as a man of simplicity. He is humble with a loving heart, accepting and friendly with anyone irrespective of their status.

The first time I met Benny Prasad was when he visited the college I was studying at in Bangalore. He shared his testimony with us in the year 2008. The second time I met him was in 2012 in Kolkata Airport whilst boarding the same flight as him. On both occasions while getting to know one another I noticed one thing about him; the thing that stood out to me was his humble attitude.

Benny Prasad is great inspirations to all but especially to those who are feeling down, broken, rejected, alienated and feel like a nobody. His example and his life continue to inspire many not to give up.

Benny developed Asthma at the age of two and for fourteen years his Doctor was giving him the wrong treatment. The treatment ended up damaging 60% of his lungs and breaking down his immune system. This led to the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis and the Doctor predicted that Benny had just six months left to live.

By the age of sixteen Benny Prasad was completely written off from his school, society and even from family. According to Benny, people always thought that he was worthless, hopeless and good for nothing. People even told him that he would never fly anywhere in his life, but Benny had a dream to travel to at least one country and he wasn't prepared to let people's words and doubts stop him, he took them as a challenge.

As a child Benny Prasad imagined himself growing up to be an Olympic champion for India and he worked hard towards it. At the age of twelve, however, Benny was hit by a Javelin in the back as he was doing a final warm up and it led to the end of his dream to be a sportsman. Benny's spinal cord developed an infection the meant he struggled to move.

Benny Prasad took his first guitar class at the age of fifteen and his teacher told him not to come back again, saying he had no musical talent at all. Prasad always wished that he'd be someone useful; a blessing to people. He faced a lot of judgement and at the age of sixteen he contemplated suicide.

At a youth camp the following year Prasad had an encounter with Jesus Christ. He heard God saying that He will use him as a blessing to people, Kings and Presidents.

Doctors told Prasad that he would only survive six months but years down the line Benny Prasad now holds a World Record and travels around the world with his guitar and his voice.

Benny Prasad was considered a person who had no musical talent by his music teacher, but today he plays all over the World. Benny has had the honour of playing at many big events, such as the Cultural Stage of the FIFA World Cup in Germany and at the special performance seeing the start of the South Asian Athletics, at the 2004 Olympics Games in Greece. Apart from playing in different places, he has also made his own unique guitar known as "Bentar".

The person who once contemplated suicide is now encouraging people not to give up, saying that suicide is never an answer and it is not a victorious end.

The person who was once considered as good for nothing is now traveling from country to country giving messages of hope to the hopeless.

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