Be diligent to fulfill your dreams Part 3

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"The difference between the ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra effort called 'Perseverance'."

Chinese Proverb

Many times we start things with lots of enthusiasm, with big dreams and determination, but as the days, months and years go by many starts to give up on their dreams; they get lazy, lack motivation or have no self-belief.

Skye Jethani wrote about our brain activity in his article "Is Church too easy?" He says that brain research has shown that when a person is comfortable the more analytical functions of the brain remain disengaged. Psychologists refer to the brain as having a "system one" and "system two". System one is the more intuitive function that is active when relaxed, whereas system two is the analytical function of the brain. The analytical function is necessary for learning and is required to rethink assumptions, challenge ideas and construct new behaviours and belief. System two must be active in order to learn.

To see a dream fulfilled, system two must be engaged. We must be ready and willing to learn. We must be open to understanding more, delving into new ideas and new concepts and we must allow ourselves to be moulded and shaped in order to develop, learn and succeed. However, I don't mean to say we must be led or guided easily without much thought (guidance can be in the wrong direction too, whether it be by someone giving incorrect information or instruction, or by someone saying something to damage our self-esteem), I mean this in a positive way. We must be wise in understanding what will help build us and our foundations and what will slowly or not so slowly knock us down.

As I said in the previous chapter, to achieve something we must work hard to get to it. There will be different challenges, failures or discouragements along the way but we need to strive to do our best, working diligently towards our goal. If we do this then one day we will find ourselves in a position where we can look back, having fulfilled our dreams, and see that all the hard work and battles against the challenges have paid off.

To achieve a dream requires a lot of preparation and persistence. In the middle there will be temptation or lies trying to persuade us to give up, but if we want to see our dreams become reality, we need to run from them. We must not allow anybody or anything stop us from fulfilling our dreams.

I happened to stay with a friend of mine, Zaren Mhabemo Lotha, for part of the time that I was writing this book. Mhabemo is an excellent musician, especially when it comes to playing classical guitar. During our stay together he shared with me his dreams for his future. Mhabemo had recently moved back to Dimapur, Nagaland, from Delhi where he was working at the Delhi School of Music. He returned to Nagaland with a vision and upon reaching he started working towards that, setting up a music academy. During the time I was staying with him, he had just a few boys enrolled for guitar tuition; he had also recently started teaching music once a week in a local school. Things seemed to be starting small and humbly but going well. However, I could see that it could be quite a challenge for him. Things are not as fast paced or advanced in Nagaland and I was worried that Mhabemo would feel a bit disheartened or even bored, being out of the hustle and bustle of city life. I was impressed, though, at how hard he was (and still is) working to fulfil his dreams. One thing I observed in him during the time we stayed together was that whenever he had free time he would pick up his guitar and play; sometimes this would be for hours on end, only stopping for the odd restroom or tea break. He would spend hours and hours often just on one particular song or piece until he had it mastered. I noticed that Mhabemo is not just hard working but he is always conscious of his hands. He has to protect them from injury, saying that to fulfil his dreams he needs his hands and fingers as much as he needs his guitar. Mhabemo worked and continues to work diligently towards perfection and towards the fulfilment of his dreams.

I believe we need to be like Mhabemo. We need to be setting our goals high and clear but also taking care of ourselves and the things we need to fulfil our dreams. We cannot just sit back and wait for that day to come by itself.

"Great works are performed, not by strength but by hard work."

Samuel Johnson

To see our dreams come true we should not just keep on dreaming but work diligently towards them. The next generation need to be led by example and inspired to do great things, so it is our responsibility to be a great example to them.

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