Do you have a Dream?Part 2

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Do you have a dream?

"Your dream is the initial spark, which grows into an inferno (a very large uncontrolled fire) that eventually makes dreams into a reality".

Galen Woodward

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible."

Tony Robbins

It is very important to have a purpose or dream for our future. Without these our life has no proper meaning. In fact, it would be just like taking a long walk not knowing where we are going.

One day I was reading through an article by Galen Woodward. I came across a particular section that talked about constructing castles in the sky. Woodward states that many people say "Don't build castles in the sky", meaning that we ought not to build dreams that will be too high or what people think to be impossible. However, he says we need to construct castles in the sky and set our visions high. We need to know that castles can be built in the sky if we work hard to put the foundations below. With a strong foundation comes a strong castle. Our dreams can become reality.

We have to begin with the end in mind. All things are created twice: the first creation being a mental creation and the second being a physical one. If we look at the history of successful people we find that most converted their dreams into goals and goals into reality. We find that history is full of people who had a dream for their future and later they put that dream into action. That's not to say that they hadn't met challenges along the way because there are always challenges, but with their eyes focused on their goal they fulfilled their dreams in the end.

"To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe."

Anatole France

Every individual has their own dream. Some may seem bigger than others but dreams are what we make them and no dream is too big or too small. A dream is our own and it's up to us to see it fulfilled. We must set our own goals and believe that one day they will come to pass. Each of us walks a different walk to capture our dream; we each have to overcome our own obstacle to reach the finishing line. Even if our dream is the same as someone else's, for example to become a teacher, or a pilot or a police officer, our journey to achieve that will be different to anyone else's. We need to capture our imagination, let the imagination flow and work towards what we want to achieve. One of the most, if not the most important factor to success is the belief in oneself. Unless we believe in ourselves we will not be able to motivate ourselves to work towards our future and will be easily knocked down by the obstacles and discouragement of others.

"You got the eggs in you; the world is fully ready to celebrate the chicks out of your laying labour. Never give up. Go and breed! Go and breed great dreams"

Israelmore Ayivor

"Participate in your own dreams, don't just say what you want or complain about what you don't have."

Steve Maraboli

One day a few of my friends and I decided to visit Patkai Waterfalls. I'd left Patkai Christian College eight years prior to this trip and we were all excited. We were looking forward to seeing the waterfalls and for some of us we wanted to relive a bit of our college days, bringing back the memories.

To get to the waterfalls we had to follow the river. This involved walking different types of terrain, through water; mud; clay that tried to suck our feet in; over sand; small stones; big stones; rocks; fallen trees or bamboo, and up steep mountain sides with a sheer drop down to the river below. As we started climbing up we discovered that the way was not like before. It was much harder to walk then it as used to be. There were times we found ourselves forced to bend down, practically on our hands and knees to avoid catching ourselves on low hanging trees or bamboo. There were also times when we had to really hold on tight to anything strong enough to bear our weight, to avoid tumbling down the steep slope to the side. It was not as easy as we'd expected. Each of us kept stumbling, slipping and falling down as we walked, gaining the odd scratch or bruise as we went. For a moment I even wished that I hadn't gone. But, the one thing that kept my friends and I going despite all the hurdles and difficulties was the knowledge of where we'd end up. We had a goal to reach and we were not simply just climbing the mountains or walking through the river for the sake of it; we wanted to see our journey through to the end. So, after much difficulty, sweating and exhausted, we reached the first waterfall. When we reached the waterfall we looked up at the beauty of it and forgot the struggles and challenges we had faced to get there. We threw off our shoes and dove into the cool, refreshing waters. The feeling of relief, joy and excitement knowing that we had reached the place we'd been aiming for outweighed all the trials.

I know that many of us would have given up along the way if we had just been climbing the mountain for fun or for time pass, however, we knew where we wanted to get to and we didn't give up on reaching our destination. Despite all of the challenges we faced, we pushed onwards and upwards. The same goes with our lives. If we have a clear goal or dream we will have will-power inside us, pushing us forward and keeping us going, no matter what obstacles are obtruding our way. When we finally reach the place we've been aiming for, the happiness, joy and sense of achievement is a great reward.

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