Him and Me- Three.

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I answered quickly. I must be as red as the reddest thing in the world right now. I turned away from Kyle, started to walk again and stopped to stoop down and tie my shoelaces, and walked again. I could feel Kyle’s eyes on my back, watching my movements. He probably was shaking with silent laughter as I was wishing for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Normally I wouldn’t really care about what other people thought, but for cheese’s sake! I almost made out with the floor! And of course I just had to do that when a good looking guy was walking me to class. Sometimes I think I have an alter ego whose sole purpose in life was to embarrass me.

I applauded him (in my head, of course) because he was able to walk me to my class without laughing his butt off. If it was Tyler that was with me, he would also not let me fall flat on my face, but sure as hell he’d be laughing his way to oblivion.

“Thanks,” I muttered, avoiding looking at Kyle as I walked quickly inside my music class. I was already seated when Kyle’s head popped through the door. His eyes scanned the room and when they landed on me, he smiled.

“See you later, Kayla,” Kyle called out as he lifted his hand, giving me a small wave. He then turned to leave. I bet he was going to sprint to his next class now. Being a basketball player that wouldn’t be a problem for him I guess. Slightly lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice some of the girls in class giving me jealous stares. 

That was when I turned slightly to my right and saw a girl giving me the evil eye. I snapped out of my thoughts. Really? How many jealous and angry stares would I get today? First with Mr. Creep-o, then now with Kyle. I shook my head and rested my chin on my hands, turning away from evil eye girl. Luckily Mr. Reese, one of my favorite professors, walked in. That broke the spell of the jealous stares as my classmates started ogling the extremely attractive teacher in front of the class.

Thank you, Mr. Reese.

*  *  *  * 

Less my meeting with creep-o, my extremely graceful move that involved acrobatics with my shoelaces, and the jealous stares, the rest of the day was quite uneventful. And I only had that creep-o (yes, that was my nickname for Colby Mariano now) as a classmate for first period. I could live with that, I guess. I was leaning against Tyler’s car, waiting for the doofus to arrive. He was my ride for the whole week as my car was at the shop. Engine problems.

I closed my eyes as a breeze flew by, lifting my ponytail slightly and making me shiver. My eyes still closed, I started to hum Fix You by Coldplay quietly, one of my most favorite songs in the whole entirety of the universe.

I opened my eyes a few seconds later, still humming. Suddenly my humming stopped and I let out a small screech. Standing in front of me was Kyle, a soft smile on his face. I felt my cheeks begin to redden as I remembered my incident earlier in the day. Kyle seemed to have forgotten about it though, being all smiles.

I lifted the corner of my mouth slightly in an attempt to smile, my cheeks flaming still. “Hey,” I said. Well, more like squeaked. I winced slightly and cleared my throat. Please, alter ego whose sole purpose in life was to embarass me, don't show your horns now.

“You hum well,” Kyle commented. “And nice song choice.”

I raised my eyebrows and smiled for real, alter ego forgotten. “You like Coldplay?”

He walked and stood beside. He chuckled. “Who doesn't? And Fix You is one of my favorite songs.”

“Mine too!” I chirped, smiling widely. He smiled back and said, “Awesome.” He leaned into Tyler's car as well, and as he did, his arm brushed against mine slightly. The contact made me smile, it was a nice feeling.

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