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I have been requested to make this one and I super hyped for it so I threw my scarf thing I was making down and started making it. Then next thing I knew it was done. So I hope you all like this along with Miki_ships_it who requested it.
(Y/n) had asked her family if they wanted to go on a picnic Sunday. They all agreed, if you wanted to know who her 'family' is. They were known as the Nordic 5, but to her they were the people she could rely on.

They picked her up when she was a young country and helped her grow up to be a strong and stable one. Though she still stayed with them because she loved them, and she thought if she left them no one else would accept her.

Anyways, (Y/n) was going to test their trust. She was hoping that they would still accept her even if she told them the truth about her sexuality. So she asked them all out to a picnic on Sunday.

It was a nice Sunday morning, but the air was kinda tense around (Y/n). She had to make sure her plan was perfect. Her plan was to pass out all the food then ask everyone about their drink.

All they had to drink was Coke-a-Cola and Pepsi. Hand it to them and she would take one of each. Hopefully they would take notice to it and ask why she did that.

Smartly she will remark and say, "You guys may perfer one over the other, but I think they taste the same." Maybe it would make them laugh, which could help her bring up her actual news, about being bisexual.

"Just don't mess this up and you'll get through it (Y/n) ."

Tino (Or Finland) heard her mumbling and looked at her. He was concerned about (Y/n) because she seemed really tense.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?"

Quickly looking at him she shook her head.

"I'm completely fine Tino, don't worry. Just sit down.."

She gestured to the blanket on the ground laid down by Matthias (Or Denmark). Tino nodded slightly, still concerned, and sat down. (Y/n) put the basket filled with food down, and Berwald (Or Sweden) rolled the cooler up, Matthias noticed the cooler and tried to attack it.

(Y/n) stopped him quickly, and closed the cooler.

"No Matthias, I invited you all out here so I should hand out all the stuff."

He groaned and rolled over to Lukas and Emil (Or Norway and Iceland). Lukas was trying to get Emil to call him Broway because he heard him call Matthias Dadmark on accident. To which Matthias replied with calling him Sonland.
((Oh the reference is real))

(Y/n) sighed and started to give out the food. Which made all of the other countries very happy. After she finished with the food, she went to the cooler.

"For drinks we have Pepsi and Coke. What do you all want?"

They all take a second to reply, but they answer.

"Coke." (Berwald)

"Pepsi please." (Tino and if you already get the joke to this I applaud to you)

"Pepsi." (Iceland)

"Coke!!" (Denmark)

"Coke." (Norway)

(Y/n) got them all out and handed them to all of the rightful owners. She then turned to the cooler and got out her two drinks.

Emil noticed because he was slowly eating his sandwich. He nudged Matthias and Lukas, they looked both looked at him to see what he wanted. Emil pointed at you and then the two's attention went towards you and your drinks.

"Hey yo (Y/n)!"

She looked at him and raised and eyebrow.

"Yeah Matthias?"

He pointed at her drinks.

"Were wondering why you have both of them. I mean you're not that thirsty right?"

"Actually Matthias I just couldn't decide on which one to pick because I feel as if Pepsi and Coke taste the same."

She smiled and opened them both, then took a small sip. Matthias giggled like a little girl, then went into a full out laughter. Emil chuckled and then went back to looking like he didn't care. Lukas just made small smirk and kept eating his food. Tino and Berwald over heard, but didn't give it much thought.

(Y/n) smiled slightly and then put both drinks down. She looked at them all and cleared her throat. They all looked at her, usually when one of them clears their throat they have something to say, it's become the rule of thumb.

"So I need to tell you guys something important about myself."

She fiddled with her fingers and looked at their faces. Seeing that they were well concentrated and listening to her.

"Ok well tell us! I won't judge you."

Matthias gave her his signature goofy smile and she nervously smiled back. (Y/n) nodded and sighed.

"Well I hope you all don't judge me, but I wanted to tell you that I am bisexual. I don't want you all to hate me because of it like everyone else, so I didn't tell you earlier."

She kept her head down and kept looking at her hands. Not wanting to see if they were looking at her with disgust, or hatred.

But suddenly she got tackled to the ground and felt a lot of pressure on top of her.

"Don't worry (Y/n)!" (Tino)

"We won't hate you just because of that!!" (Matthias)

"Yeah...were family right." (Emil)

"Family doesn't judge each other unless asked too, or you're Matthias." (Lukas)

"Truth." (Berwald)

(Y/n)'s eyes watered with tears, but then she nodded and tried to hug them all back.

"I love all you guys so much."
So I guess none of you can get that Bo Burnham reference? I love him, I'm sorry if you don't listen to comedians and won't get that ever.

But anyways I have nothing else to do so I can either make the rest of the Allies and Axis characters stories. (So basically just China and Italy.) Or just random requests. It doesn't matter to me, but what does is that I can at least make these for you all! So I'll always have something up my sleeve for you all, don't worry.


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