11. Running

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They all knew that they were being hunted but yet they still laughed and had fun. They were driving once again, they didn't know where they were going but they knew they needed to be far away. Callie even suggested Canada before they got on the road. Everyone laughed but in their minds they knew that it was a good idea. It was a long drive, they left at one since they had to eat lunch and when they got to the next campsite it was almost 10 o'clock at night. They were almost to the border of Alabama. Tomorrow they would leave their home state and continue to travel until they were caught or they were in a different country.


The government wasn't happy at all. They finally tracked the phones and watched them for almost two days, noticing that they haven't moved the whole time. The man who was in charge of this spoke, "We need to find them and fast. We need to alert all of the states." After he said that everyone turned to their computers and started to type emails. Sending them to each state and every single person in that state. All of the emails stated, "Warning! Eight teenagers have been wandering around. They are all very dangerous. Please do not approach them or get near them. They look like normal human beings but do not be tricked, they have superpowers." They also had the pictures of all of the kids.

The man laughed, evilly. He was confident that they had no chance of survival. Not with everyone on his side.


Everyone unpacked their stuff and headed into the cabin that they rented for a night. The cabin was made out of wood and it was quite small but it had four sets of bunk beds so everyone got their own bed. It wasn't that nice in the inside, their was a small table near the corner and a small refrigerator next to it. The table looked old and gross. The refrigerator looked new but the inside smelled like rotten fish. There wasn't anything to do about it so everyone just sucked it up and went to bed. The bunk beds were in good condition. Fairly new actually. The frame was made out of wood and so was the ladder. The top bunk's mattress was firm and the bottom bunk's was soft. So everyone picked a bed and finally fell asleep.

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