17. ...

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Callie sat up. It was around midnight. She had a vision of the future but this didn't seem right. She thought about if for a couple of minutes. No this can't be right. He wouldn't. Her mind was set on this vision but eyes were set on the wall. She could never tell when it was going to happen. She looked around the room. Noticing a dark figure near the wall. She tried to focus on it but it was impossible. The only thing that was lighting the room was the moon, casting it's beautiful bluish light into the room. Callie kept staring at the figure only too see it move only a couple of inches. She kept her eye on it the whole time. Watching it as it moved closer and closer to a bed. Wait! The vision! She thought. She screamed but it was too late. The figure stabbed Phoenix in the lower abdomen. Bad mistake. Phoenix cried out in pain. Everyone was awake by now. May ran to the light switch and flicked it on. What they saw shocked everyone.

(Dun dun dunnnnn)

May gasped. She never thought that he could do such a thing. She looked Zack straight in the eye. "How could you!?" She screamed at him. Zack pulled the knife out of Phoenix. Making Phoenix bleed everywhere. Claire gasped, "Why would you take the knife out of him?!" Her words stung him like a bullet. "I... I didn't...." He stopped. May screamed, "What you didn't mean to stab him? You didn't mean to kill him? Yeah right!" He sighed then charged at May. The knife in his right hand. May dodged his attack. Ezarick fell to his knees. "Claire! Help him please!!" Claire ran over to Ezarick who was by Phoenix. She gently touched Phoenix's wound. Nothin happened. He was too far gone. Ezarick started crying. His face was buried into Phoenix's chest.

May looked at Zack. "So first you kill one person then you try to kill your girlfriend? What the fuck, Zack! What is wrong with you?" Zack sighed and dropped the knife. "Babe I'm sorry." His words stung May. "Are you really?" She yelled at him making everyone look at them. "I ugh..." He stopped unable to finish his sentence. "That's what I thought." May stated then turned toward Phoenix. Zack picked up the knife and slowly made his way over to May.

Colton stopped as he noticed Zack with the knife behind his back. He grabbed Zack's wrist that held the knife and twisted it. Making Zack let it go. Claire picked up the knife and looked Zack straight in the eye, "Any last words?" She asked. He stopped and put his head down. "Yes actually. May I'm really sorry. I love you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Just..." He stopped and May walked up to him. "It's okay Zack..." She lied. "I love you too." That was the truth, she really did love him. May walked over to Zack and kissed him.

Claire sighed. "May I can't stab you. Get out of the way." May moved without a word. Claire shifted the knife in her hand. The knife was pointed up towards the roof. She immediately inserted the knife into his chest. Sending him to collapse on his knees. Colton still held onto him. Claire turned the knife to the side while it was still inside of Zack. Making him shriek in pain. Then it was over. Claire pulled out the knife and Colton let go. Zack fell face first onto the ground. Blood spilled everywhere. Claire's hands were covered with blood. She walked into the bathroom and casually washed them off. May and Ezarick sat on their beds. Both of their faces were buried into a pillow. They continued to cry for about thirty minutes then they fell back asleep. By the time they went to sleep everyone else was sleeping except for Colton. Colton cleaned up the mess. Getting rid of the bodies and saying goodbye to both of them. He buried them way back in the woods so no one could find them. Then once he was done burying both of them, he cleaned up all of the blood on the floor. Finally he went to sleep.

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