8. Hotel

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After grabbing their bags, they walked into the hotel. They all were amazed when they stepped inside. The wooden hotel was beautiful on the outside but on the inside it was absolutely stunning. There was a wooden table with coasters on the glass. The counter was on the left and Claire walked over to the counter and checked into the rooms. They all walked into the room. Ezarick, Phoenix, Claire and Colton were in one room and May, Zack, Brendan and Callie were in the other.

Everyone picked a bed and put on their pajamas. Since they were all tired, they fell asleep with 30 minutes.

*In the morning*

Colton was the first one awake. He slowly got out of bed and slipped on his shoes. He slowly opened up the door and walked out into the hallway. He slowly walked down the hallway and into the breakfast room. He walked over to the counter and grabbed a bagel. He ate the bagel quickly. Then grabbed two cups of hot chocolate and walked out.

Claire woke up and quickly realized that Colton was gone. She sat up and quickly got out of bed. She noticed that everyone was sleeping and slipped off her pajamas. Quickly she put on a pair of jeans and a shirt. As soon as her shirt was on all the way, she headed to the bathroom. She put her hair up and brushed her teeth. After she was done brushing her teeth she put in mouthwash, letting the cool, refreshing liquid hit her teeth. She stopped and spit it out. As she walked out of the bathroom she heard a faint vibrating sound. She walked over to her phone and saw that the school texted her...

She slowly unlocked her phone and went to her messages. Tapping the screen where it said School (1). Her hands started to shake when she read, Baylee, Your blood type isn't natural and it needs to be tested again. It seems like you are different just like some of the other kids in your grade. Meet us at the school tomorrow at noon or else we will know that you are one of the people we are looking for. If you don't show up tomorrow, the government will come after you and possibly kill you.

Claire dropped her phone and passed out.

Ezarick woke up to a thud and looked around. He got up quickly and ran over to Claire. "Claire? Claire wake up?!" He shook her body. The sound of Ezarick woke up Phoenix. Phoenix ran over to Claire and stopped Ezarick from shaking her. "She only passed out. She will be awake in a little bit." Ezarick stopped and grabbed Claire's phone and read the text. He swallowed hard. Phoenix grabbed the phone and read the text. "So that's why we are leaving..." Ezarick sighed, "Yeah. We have to leave." Phoenix answered in a quiet voice, "Okay."

Colton finally got back. He opened the door, trying not to spill the hot chocolate. He immediately saw Claire on the ground and set the hot chocolate down on the ground. "What the actual fuck happened?" Colton said angrily. "She passed out. She read this text and passed out." Ezarick explained, handing Colton the phone. "Holy shit. They are going to track our phones. We need to get rid of them. Now." Colton grabbed everyone's phone then headed over to the other room.

"I need everyone's phones. Now!" Colton shouted as he entered their room. "Why?" They all responded. "If we don't get rid of them, the government will track them. So hand them over." Everyone handed their phone to Colton then laid back down. Colton walked out of the room and down the hall, out to the door. He found a sewer and dropped all of the phones in there. Then he walked back inside like nothing happened.

Once Colton was back into the room he laid next to Claire. Ezarick and Phoenix were getting ready and everyone in the other room was too. Time went by and everyone was ready. Even Claire was up and ready. Then they all walked out of the hotel room and went back to the car.

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