4. Telling

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Once they got to our third hour classes the late bell rang. Their teacher, Mrs. Kane, stood up and cleared her throat. "Tomorrow all of you will have to get your blood tested, the government needs to know your blood type." Claire froze immediately. She thought to herself, "They'll find out about me not being normal... My friends will think I'm a freak." She started to overreact, but not saying a word out loud. She calmly raised her hand, "Do we really need to get our blood tested? I mean don't they already have our blood type on our birth certificate?" Mrs. Kane sighed, "Yes to both of your questions, the government thinks there are people with 'superpowers' living around here." Claire just said a simple 'okay' then sat in silence.

Once Colton got the news he acted different, secretive almost. Claire started to worry, she walked over to him and sat on the bench near him. "Hey... Are you okay? Is something wrong?" She asked, worry filled her eyes. "No I'm not. Nothing is okay right now. I have to tell you something but not here." He stood up and grabbed Claire's hand, walking through the crowd of people and into the school. They walked down the almost empty halls and found a janitors closet. He twisted the knob and walked in, dragging Claire with him.

Colton sighed, "I really don't know how to say this but..." He stopped and Claire stared into his brown eyes. She continued his sentence, "You have superpowers?" He looked at Claire, surprised that she knew. "Yeah... Do you?" Claire laughed, "Yes I do." He sighed in relief.

All of the sudden Claire grabbed his hand and whispered, "Don't let go of my hand until we get to where I'm taking you." She grabbed Colton's hand and thought for moment and all of the sudden they disappeared.

Colton opened up his eyes to see a giant mammoth in front of him, he smiled, "You can time travel?!" Claire smiled, "Yeah I can also slow down time and heal anyone I want by touching them.." Claire grabbed his hand again and thought again. The next thing they knew, they were back in the janitors closet. Colton smiled, "Want to see mine?" Claire smiled, "Of course I do!" Colton all the sudden disappeared, Claire reached out and touched him. "You have invisibility! That's awesome!" Claire said, admiring his power. "Yeah I can also teleport." He added then went back to normal. "We better get back to them, they might think that we were doing something bad." Claire stated then opened the door.

Ezarick finally got the news and ran to Colton. He was freaking out. Colton just stared at him, "Ezarick calm down, what's wrong?" Ezarick finally calmed down and whispered to Colton, "They are going to get me, I'm going to be killed or experimented on. You need to help me. Phoenix doesn't have powers. But I do. I can see through walls, at night, and in inferred. You need to help me." Colton sighed, "Fine I'll help you. But I have powers too. Same with my girlfriend. You can't tell anyone. After the blood drive tomorrow we are going to run away. Have a bag packed and a lot of money with you." Ezarick sighed in relief. "Thanks Colton."

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