after a pause of silence and my mind wondering, luke spoke softly, "i really wish i could be there, love."

i weakly smiled at his cute accent, "no it's alright luke, i know you obviously can't be here even if you wanted to."

a long pause came between us. some ruffling came between the other end of the phone.

suddenly i heard another boys voice coming next to luke.

"luke?" i questioned, "is that calum?"

the two of them spent months together in america and they are already hanging out again.

some more muffled sounds scratched against the speaker before lukes clear voice came into play, "sorry about that, i was walking." he laughed, but it was more of a nervous laugh.

i quickly pulled the phone away from my ear and gazed down at the screen. i checked the time,

8:56 am.

this meant that it had to be ridiculously late into the night where he was. it was already the next day to be exact.

"what could you possibly be doing in the middle of the night?" i weakly chuckled along.

"uhhhhhh," lukes raspy voice trailed on, "if i told you i would have to kill you." he teased.

i let out a chuckle and shrugged my shoulders, "hasn't your jetlag worn off yet?"

"oh believe me jade," more muffled sounds came from the other end, "it's just getting started."

i was started to get utterly confused as to what he was talking about. i guess he was just so tired that he wasn't really aware of what he was saying to me.

i decided to finally push myself out of bed and make my way over to my closet. i grasped on the wooden hand of the closet doors and swung them open.

my baby blue graduation gown hung in the darkly lit closet. i stood there in the door frame, admiring it while scratched sounds and random voices appeared on lukes line.

it now appeared that luke was having a full on conversation with someone, and that's when i finally decided that something was up.

"are you alright luke?" i crossed my arms over my chest and balanced my phone between my shoulder and my cheek.

this was the first time luke and i have spoken to each other in a couple of days. he had mentioned to me that he was awfully busy over the course of a few days. and he never actually told me what exactly he was doing.

"jade?" he raised his voice over the loud noise, the line suddenly became scratchy.

"luke you're breaking up." i giggled a little.

"i gotta go," his voice became a little more clear, "ill see you soon, shit, I mean ill talk to you later."

and then without another word the call was ended with two beeps and brought me back to my home screen. a confused glance struck my face as I pulled the phone away from my ear, gazing down at the device.

polaroid ; lrhTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang