Fights&Makeups-text #3•group text

832 18 7

M: hey

L: hi

A: hey Mikey hey babe

C: hey Lashton and Mikey

Y/n: hey guys. What's up.

A: making out with Luke

L: yea it's so good.

Y/n: why'd I ask.

C: ew


A: what it's not like you haven't made out before.

Y/n: true

C: truesome

M: yea I have.

A: see?

Y/n: I see you asshole.

A: hey!

L: don't call him an asshole. Bitch!

Y/n: don't call me that

Y/n left the chat

C: Great you made her/him mad now.

A: I'm sorry but Luke was covering for me.

Calum added Y/n to the chat +

Y/n: Cal wtf

M: my god so much drama.

Y/n: why'd you add me Cal

Y/n: I don't feel wanted in this chat.

L: I'm sorry y/n

Y/n: I'm sorry too Ash & Luke. I shouldn't have called an asshole Ash.

A: it's ok. Ik you didn't mean it.

C: babe are you ok?

Y/n: yea ily Cal and Ash and Luke and Mikey. You guys are my everything. Especially you Cal.

C: awwww ily2 babeeeee

Y/n: Imu guys when are you coming back from tour.

M: I think in 3 months.

A: you frickin liar. We get back in 5 months.

C: yea Ash is right. Sorry baby boy/girl.

L: yea sorry y/n

Y/n: it's ok I'm crying rn but it's ok.

C: aww babe don't cry.

L: yea when we get home. Cal will give you a treat and then we will all hang out. Right?

C: right

A: right

M: yeppp. It's so boring on this bus.

C: guys we hv to get ready for the show. Sorry babe ttyl.

A: bye y/n

L: byeeee

Y/n: bye guys good luck love you.

Words: 308

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