Chapter 18

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"Finally we're out of those cells!" Shulk said after he unlocked his cell door as well as the princesses's.

"Thank the gods too! I hate being caged up like that!" Lucina exclaimed as she started to stretch out her arms.

"I suggest that we find a way out of here as quickly as possible. It's only a matter of time before they find out we've escaped." said the princess of Hyrule. The others nodded their heads in agreement.

"But we don't have our weapons and what if the bad guys notice that we're gone and then they go looking for us and then when they find us they're gonna be really pissed off and then they're gonna torture us for being bad and then they put us in boiling water and then--"

Shulk was interrupted by a gloved hand covering his mouth. "I think they are going to find us if you don't shut the hell up!" Zelda snapped.

Shulk, Roy, and Lucina were shocked that the princess would snapped like that and what's more is that she cursed.

"What is it? Is there something on my face?" Zelda asked once she noticed the staring. "Um...nothing at all princess." Roy said while nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

Zelda shrugged and slipped out of their dungeon. The others followed close behind. Once they were all out, they looked around in the hallway they were in. It was a dark hallway with the only source of light being dim lit torches.

"We should probably stay away from the torches and stay in the areas that don't have that much light. It'll provide some cover for us and it helps that most of us are wearing dark clothing." Lucina told the group as they walked further down the hall.

"Well someone has been hanging out with Robin way too much." Roy teased. Lucina blushed at his comment. "S-shut up!"

"What about me? I'm not wearing any dark clothing!" Zelda said crossing her arms. "Calm down princess. You can use my cape." Lucina said. Zelda sighed as the she was handed the cape. She took it and put it on as it a cloak. It was a little big but it would have to do.

Once that was settled, the group worked on finding the room with their weapons. They turned corners, slipped down hallways, and avoided people walking past them.

They snook (Is that the right word? xD) around the whole building looking for a room that looked like it held weapons. They finally gave up after they walked past dungeon they were kept in for the fourth time.

"This is pointless! We've already passed through here four times!" Roy said getting frustrated.

"Roy does have a point. We're just wasting time." Zelda added, taking off Lucina's cape.

"Come on guys! We can't give up so easily!" Lucina said. "Maybe we missed a room or something."

"I'm pretty sure we checked this whole building, Lucina. I mean, we went around it four times and this is quite a big place."

"We haven't check every room." said Shulk. He pointed to a door next to the dungeon with a sign that said weapons.

The two princesses and the swordsman stared at Shulk in shock. The room that they were looking for was in front of them the whole time but they never saw it and wasted an hour looking for it.

"S-shulk? H-h-how long did you know that door was there?" Zelda stuttered. "I first noticed it as we walked out of the dungeon but I didn't think it would have our weapons since it was right next to where we being held captive and I didn't notice the sign so I didn't say anything." He answered, smiling innocently. 

The three all turned to Shulk and if looks could kill, Shulk would be long dead.

"Well, we can't go back in time and fix Shulk's mistake. We're just wasting time being upset with him." Lucina said turning away from Shulk. The others did the same.

They all walked towards the door ready to enter but when Zelda turned the knob, they found it to be locked.

"Crap! What now?!" she said after trying a few more times. "Did you forget princess? I have this bobby pin." Roy slyly said. He handed it to Zelda and she immediately started to work on the lock.

A few minutes later, it fell to the ground with a clank. The Smashers opened the door and looked around.

The room was small and looked more like a closet than a place to hold weapons in. There were no windows but when Shulk found the light switch, shelves of swords, staffs, guns, bows, bombs, hammers, boxing gloves, wands and others if the sort.

But some of the weapons were different then the rest. They could be easily recognized as the weapons used by the other Smashers. There was Link's Master Sword, a sleeping Luma, Zero Suit Samus's whip, Robin's Levin sword and tomes, Peach's umbrella, Marth and Ike's Falchion and Ragnell, and even Samus's suit.  

"Well this is...different." Zelda said. She walked over to Link's sword and held it. "If I remember correctly, Link had his weapon when we where captured. In fact, everyone had their weapon."

"Zelda is right. There's only one Falchion to ever exist. Right now my father, Chrom, carries it with him. My Falchion is from a different period in time. Same as Marth's." Lucina added. "I'm guessing these weapons aren't the real things but clones."

"But who would be taking everyone's weapons? I'm pretty sure Master Hand has mansion and the campsite heavily guarded." Roy asked.

"I wish I could tell you but alas, I am as confused as you are." The blue haired princess answered.


Zelda, Roy and Lucina all turned towards the source of the noise only to find Shulk almost buried by weapons with only Peach's umbrella to protect himself.

"Are you alright Shulk?!" Zelda asked as she started to remove the weapons on top of him carefully.

"Yeah except for this cut from one of Pit's arrows." He removed his hand from his cheek to reveal a deep cut near his left eye.

"What in Naga's name were you trying to do?!" Lucina said as she and Roy rushed to Shulk's aid.

"I wanted to hold the Luma." Shulk answered childishly. The others shook their heads in disappointment.

"Let's get you out of here before someone finds us." Roy said as he helped Shulk up.

"Too late for that now." A voice said behind them. They all turned around to find Dark Pit with a many DarkNuts behind him.

The DarkNuts drew closer to the Smashers until all went black. The last thing Shulk saw was Dark Pit with an evil grin and betrayal in his eyes.

A/n: Hello beautiful people! I'm sorry that I haven't been updating recently but my parents are making me do math and crap (excuse my language) to get ready for school. It's super duper boring and takes up some time because I'm not the best at math.

Also, I've been waiting for my Lucina Amiibo to come which is taking forever! I don't think I can wait for August 12th let alone December 31st. I looked up Fire Emblem: Fates on Target's website and it said December 31st 2016 was when you could buy it. I hope that's the real date because I really can't wait for another year for the game to come out.

The game seems to have interesting characters and the guy characters seem decent for my avatar to marry but to be honest the guy that I think is really hot is Leon/ Leo. Oh gods. He's breathtaking. I really hope I can have a support with him. And please don't be commenting spoilers because I've "accidentally" read too much (which is really one).

Well that's all for me for now. Hopefully I can finish this book by the end of the year and start working on the sequel. Yes, there's going to be a sequel ^~^  Stay fabulous my fellow readers |(3)|

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