Chapter 7

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Palutena woke up the next morning still feeling very sleepy. She got up and changed into her everyday clothes. She then put on her accessories to complete her look.

She slowly walked into her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and let out a little scream. Her hair was a mess.

"The struggle of having long hair." Palutena grumbled while picked up her brush. She started brushing her hair. The first stroke was a pain. She winced as she tired to brush out the big knot. She let out a frustrated sigh when it wouldn't come out.

As the goddess was brushing her hair she heard a loud noise which sounded like a door being broken down.

"LADY PALUTENA!" Pit came into her bathroom with his bow ready to fire. He looked around the bathroom and gave a perplexed look.

Palutena tried not to laugh when she saw how serious Pit was. She cleared her throat and said to the angel,

"The only trouble here, Pit, is my hair."

Pit put his weapons down and saw that the Goddess was right. Her hair looked like it hasn't been brushed for a week.

Palutena started to brush another section out. She groaned when she encountered a stubborn knot.

"Lady Palutena! Maybe I could help." Pit said while walking towards her.

"Thank you so much Pit! That would be lots of help!" Palutena exclaimed. She handed her brush to the angel and sat down so it was easier for him.

When Pit was just about to start brushing, the door broke down again.

"I heard a 'OMG I'm having a bad hair day' scream." Peach said while looking at Palutena and Pit. She screamed when she saw the Goddess's hair.

"And I'm just the right person to help. As you can see, my hair has to be the most beautiful thing on my body. Besides my face." Peach said while fixing her hair in Palutena's mirror.

"If you say so." Palutena said, hesitantly giving her another one of her brushes.

Pit and Peach started to brush Palutena's long green hair. It hurt Palutena when they pulled really hard but she never said a word.

Pit and Peach worked in silence until Peach looked over at Pit and saw he was brushing the Goddess's hair all wrong. He was brushing it from the top to the bottom but when the brush reached the bottom, he would wrap the hair all around the brush and tried to take it back out.

"What are you doing Pit?" Peach asked still brushing the green hair.

"I'm brushing Lady Palutena's hair and curling it." Peach sighed at his answer.

"You use a curling iron to do that." Pit started to turn red from his mistake.

Peach sat down next to Pit and grabbed the brush from his hands. Their fingers slightly touched which caused Pit to turn an even darker shade of red.

Peach started to brush out Pit's mistakes and finished brushing the rest of Palutena's locks.

"All done!" Peach said while standing back to admire her work.

Palutena looked in the mirror and saw that her hair once again looked flawless.

"Thank you so much Peach!" Palutena said while pulling her into a hug. She pulled Pit in the hug too squishing Peach and Pit together.

When they broke apart they were all a little red from the heat of their bodies.

"Now that I'm fixed up we should all head downstairs to eat breakfast." Pit nodded in agreement and followed Peach and Palutena to the dinner table.

While they were brushing Palutena's hair, they didn't notice the shadow watching them the whole time.

When the trio left, the shadow did the same but instead of going downstairs, it went to tell of its observations.


As the small group entered the dining area, they saw most of the Brawlers sigh.

"Finally you guys came." Shulk said while wolfing down a stack of pancakes on his plate.

"We weren't aware that you were all waiting for us. My apologies." Palutena said.

"Now that you're all here, we would like to share our idea." Marth said.

"We would like to know how you all feel about going camping!" Lucina exclaimed.

Everyone nodded their heads in approval except Peach.

"CAMPING?? ARE YOU CRAZY?" Peach yelled.

"I don't think so...." Lucina said.


"ENOUGH!" Ike shouted.

"Thank you Ike." Lucina said. She then turned towards Peach. "You'll welcome to stay here but I'm sure you don't want to miss all the fun."

"What's so fun about being in the wild?! Peach huffed.

"There's eating, truth or dare, s'mores, eating, looking at the stars, staying up late, peeing outside, eating, hiking, hunting, sleeping. Did I also mention eating?" Shulk said.

Peach thought about this for a minute. "You had me and truth or dare but you lost me a peeing outside but you had me again at eating."

Peach grinned. "I think I'll go just this once." Everyone cheered because now everyone was going. That is, all the good characters. They couldn't risk bringing the villains in case they tried to pull something off.

"Now everyone go pack their bags!" Robin said.

"NOW?" Everyone asked in shock.

"Of course. We're leaving tonight at 6."

Everyone dashed to their rooms getting out their bags and started to pack everything they needed.

Everyone pretty much packed the same thing except one person. (You'll find that out later)

Robin was just about done packing when he noticed his Levin sword and tome. He put them both in the bag just in case they encountered something that they needed to fight off.

Everyone dragged their bags downstairs and into the main room where they waited for it to be 6. There was no sign of Peach.

Everyone just socialized until it was time to go. By the time it was 6, the fighters knew everyone that they would be camping for a whole week with. This camping trip was sure to bring them all closer to each other.

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