Chapter 11

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(The pictures above are the swimsuits they'll be wearing. Could find any of Marth or Ike DX)

While all the Brawlers slept soundly, not a care in the world, a shadow was watching over their tents.

The shadow slowly crept into their tents looking for certain people. He slowly unzipped he tent and looked in to see who's was in which tent.

When he wrote down all of this, he disappeared to give this new information to his master.


Samus woke up early that morning. She looked to her left and saw that Zelda was still sleeping, snoring softly.

Today was the day that all of the Brawlers went swimming in the lake.

Luckily, Samus brought her swimsuit because she figured that she would need it on the trip.

She wanted to change but Zelda was right there and if she woke up, it would be pretty awkward.

Samus had an idea after thinking about what to do. She put her big blanket over her and started to get undressed. She quickly put her swimsuit on and threw the blanket off.

Thankfully, Zelda was still asleep. Samus put on a a big t-shirt that went to her mid-thigh as a coverup. She wasn't about to walk around camp wearing nothing but a swimsuit.

She walked out of her tent and to the campfire. She started to make breakfast since nobody was really up.

She cooked eggs, bacon, and some pancakes. She even found orange juice in a bottle.

She put each kind of food on everyone's plate. She ate her breakfast by herself while keeping the flies away from the other plates.

When Samus was about to eat her last piece of bacon, Palutena came out in her swimsuit. Obviously she didn't know what a coverup was.

She walk to where Samus was, putting her hair in a high ponytail.

"Good Morning!" said Palutena. She sat down next to Samus and started to the food from her plate.

"Did you make this?" She asked with her mouth full. Samus nodded.

"This is AMAZING!" The goddess exclaimed.

Samus watched Palutena stuff her face with bacon until Pit came out of his tent.

"Good morning Lady Palutena and Samus!" He said.

"Pit! Where's your swimsuit?!" Palutena asked.

"Oh. I forgot it so I'm just going to wear my toga." He answer while blushing at the sight of his goddess.

Pit also sat down and starting eating his food. They all talked to each other as more people came out of their tents.

"I think everyone is here." Pit said looking around.

"Okay everyone! Let's start heading down to the lake."

The Brawlers started the mile walk to the lake. Most of them carried towels, sunscreen and sunglasses. Peach brought a few more things but Ike forced her to carry them all on her own.

When they finally reached the beach Peach was exhausted. She put her towel down on the beach part of the lake and started right away on her tanning session.

Once everyone out their towels down on the beach, the boys all ran to the water and started splashing each other.

The girls all sat near each other talking. Until Peach said something that got all of their attention.

"So Zelda. What do you think of Link?" She asked with a smug look on her face.

"Well..." She said while twirling her hair with her finger. "He's brave, loyal, smart, kind, and kind of cute."

All the girls gasped at her last answer.

"Awwww. You two would look so cute together!" Palutena said. Zelda blushed.

"We should totally find a way to set you guys up!" Peach said.

"Oh! No thank you. I don't think he likes me back anyway." Zelda responded.

"Are you kidding me? Have you seen the way he looks at you whenever you're around him? It's true love!" Peach yelled flinging her arms out.

"I suppose..."

"Anyone else need help with their love life or have any confessions to make? What you say to us girls, stays with us girls." Peach said looking at all of them.

"I think Ike is cute!" Samus blurted.

"I ship it." Lucina said giggling.

"You guys would look good together." Palutena agreed.

"He is pretty cute but don't worry, I have no interest in stealing your man." Rosalina said winking. Zelda laughed.

Samus was turning red which is something that she rarely did.

"We'll help you. We'll try to find out if he likes you or not." Peach said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I think I'll be able to help with that since me and Ike are friends." Lucina offered.

"Thanks Lucy." Samus said.

"You're welcome but don't ever call me that again." Lucina said looking serious.

"So Lucina, how's it going with you and Robin?" Palutena said wiggling her eyebrows.

Lucina sighed. "Not so good at the moment."

"WHAT? WHY?" All the girls screamed. All the boys looked over at them with confused expressions.

"SHHHHHH" Lucina shushed them. "It's because he was going to burn Marth and Ike so I stepped in front of them and blocked the fire with my sword but some of the fire went onto my hands and got burned." She said showing them her hands which were now almost healed.

"I say that you go over to him and apologize even though you didn't do anything. It will make him feel so much better." Rosalina said.

"I guess." said Lucina getting up from her towel. She walked over to the area where the boys were. She stood in front of the water. She sighed and stepped in.

The rest of the other girls started to walk over to Lucina so she didn't feel so awkward.

She started to slowly make her way through the water and towards Robin.

When she was right behind him she tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Lucina standing in front of him. He didn't expect to see her their after what happened yesterday.

"Robin?" Lucina asked. She didn't notice how muscular he was until now. He always had that robe and cloak on and now...he was shirtless in front of her.

"Yes, Lucina?" He started blushing at how cute she looked in her swimsuit. She must have noticed him blushing because her cheeks started to turn a little pink.

"I'm sorry." she said. She looked at the water to avoid his gaze.

He lifted her head up from her chin to make her look at him. She started to blush a little.

"I'm sorry too, Lucina. For hurting you." Lucina smiled and ran through the water to hug him.

He was surprised at first but hugged back. He picked he up so her feet couldn't touch the water.

"What are you doing?!" Lucina asked looking scared.

Robin didn't answer he just threw her back into the water and watched as she went in.
She came back to the surface looking quite mad.

She started to splash him with water and soon they were having a water war.

The other Smashers didn't want to be left out so they join in. Water went everywhere. Robin and Lucina smiled the whole time.

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