Chapter 10

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By the time everyone had gotten their tents set up it was already starting to get dark.

Link started to make a fire with two sticks with Zelda still on his mind. Is it possible that I like her? He asked himself.

He was so distracted that he almost burned his hands not noticing that the fire started.

"Yes! Finally we can eat!" Shulk said. He ran back into his tent and brought out hotdogs, graham crackers, chocolate, and big marshmallows.

"Someone came prepared." Said Rosalina chuckling.

"I love food." Shulk said staring at Rosalina with wide eyes. It made her feel awkward.

"Let's find some sticks!" Pit said searching the ground. He searched for about a minute and food enough sticks for everyone.

Pit handed the sticks out to everyone except Peach who said she didn't want to eat like a savage.

Everyone put a hotdog on the ends of their sticks. They then placed them above the fire to cook. They all sat silently turning their hotdogs making sure that they don't burn.

"So...what are going to do tomorrow?" Toon Link asked looking up.

"We could go swimming at a lake I saw when we were walking here." Ike suggested.

"Swimming in a LAKE? That's super gross." Peach said.

"How's a lake gross, Peach?" Samus said getting irritated.

"Because there's slimy stuff in it and there can water snakes." Peach scrunched up her nose.

"There's nothing bad about that." Lucina said. She pulled her stick towards her to check on her hotdog. It was done.

"It's really nasty. That's what's bad about it." Peach answered.

"Suck it up then Princess. I've dealt with much worse things than a lake." Lucina said finishing her hot dog.

Peach had nothing to say to this.

"Finally my hotdogs are done!" Shulk said. He took the four hotdogs he put on his stick and started to eat the first one.

"Oh my gosh, Shulk. How hungry are you?" Zelda said looking horrified.

"A lot hungry." Shulk answered while starting on his second hotdog.

The Brawlers talked about the rest of the trip while finishing their hotdogs.

"WHO'S READY FOR S'MORE?!" Shulk said opening the bags.

" thanks. I'm trying not to get fat." Peach said. Everyone rolled their eyes.

They all grabbed a marshmallow, except Peach, and put them over the fire. Shulk was talking about how excited he was to eat some s'more when his marshmallow dropped from his stick and into the fire.

Shulk dramatically got on his knees, looked up at the star filled sky and yelled,

"There's tons more marshmallows in the bag, Shulk." Link said laughing.

After the dramatic scene, they ate their food. Marth was getting up to get a third marshmallow when he tripped. He landed on Rosalina with his face going right to marshmallow part of her s'more.

When he finally stood there was melted marshmallow all over his forehead. Lucina was in tears laughing.

"You think that's funny huh?" Marth said. He wiped some of the gooey marshmallow off his forehead and onto Lucina's nose.

She was shocked for a second until she grabbed the marshmallow she was roasting and threw it Marth. Unfortunately, Lucina's aim was off and it hit Ike.

After that mistake, everyone was throwing marshmallows at each other. Shulk was nearly in tears because he thought everyone was wasting his precious marshmallows.

After 10 minutes they ran out of marshmallows to throw at each other. Pittoo brought over a bucket full of water to wash his face and hair.

"Aw Pittoo! You brought water for us!" Palutena gushed.

"Who said this water was for you guys?" The dark angel asked while wiping the marshmallow from hair, skin, and clothes. Palutena frowned.

"Good thing we have more buckets." said Pit holding up three more buckets. He quickly filled them with water. He brought them over to the Brawlers.

They all went straight to work on taking the gooey substance off themselves. The girls had an even harder time since a their hair was so long.

When they were all cleaned up they got ready for bed. Samus put the fire out as everyone headed inside their tents.

They all changed into their nightclothes and went into their sleeping bags.

Palutena laid down in her sleeping bag reflecting on the day and what has happened so far on their trip. She wondered what was going to happen during the next few days. She could tell some relationships were going to blossom. Just by noticing the way Robin looked at Lucina all the time. It was obvious that he liked her a lot.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Lucina's voice nearby.

"Hey Palutena?"

"Yes Lucina?"

"What do if you're mad to a person you love?"

Palutena thought about this for awhile before answering,

"If I were you I would say you're sorry to him and after a day or two confess that you love him."

Lucina sat in the dark thinking about what the goddess said. Maybe she was right. That seemed like the best thing to in her situation.

Lucina got her answer. She started to get sleepy when Palutena asked her,

"Who do you like by the way?"

"Robin." She replied too sleepy too care that she just said who she liked.

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