Chapter Seven : Last Mistake

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The next day, Grimlok was discussing plans with Belrand. They were planning a way to convince the jarl. They might bribe him, give him a good amount of gold to make him avert his gaze from the orcs.

Or they might lie to him. Tell him that they killed all the orcs. So the jarl will never bother them again.

Grimlok was in debate.. He was going to give up an opportunity to build his home for some group of orcs he barely knows. But this can't be the last piece of land avaliable. There must be others.

".. That, or.." Belrand said, rubbing his chin. "We can give them a good amount of money. Good to keep them alive for a couple of months. We send them to either Solitude, Whiterun or Windhelm. These cities's jarls are capable and caring for all the races. So they can live in an inn and find some work. Then when they collect enough gold they can buy their own houses." He explained. "We go back and tell the jarl that we killed everyone. Even when he comes to the keep, it'll be empty. Everyone wins." He suggested.

That son of a farkle!

This might actually work. It'll teach the orcs to depend on themselves and no one will have to get killed.
Grimlok nodded, "A very great idea. We suggest this to the chief. See what she thinks." Grimlok said as he brandishes his blade. The weapons were given back to them. And Belrand was ao happy that Grimlok's beginning to get along with the orcs.

Considering that he is one.

Soon enough he was outside looking for the chief. From what he learned she always stays in her room. He grabbed the handle and pushed it open.
"Chief. I've come to an alternate-" he blinked. She wasn't here.
That's weird.

He sighed, where on Nirn would she be? The orcs are off either hunting or cutting trees for some wood. Where could she be?

A voice shattered his train of thoughts. "Need something?"

He turned around and stepped aside.
"Chief." He began with a dull expression.

She walked into her room. Which wasn't really that big. It had a bed with two end tables on both its sides. A desk where some gems, coin purses and a dagger were placed on a map.
A tuning rack was also there. But most beautiful of all is the window. And the view you can see from it.

It peaked high above the forests. It was a beautiful morning. But Grimlok isn't here to gaze.

"I wanted to talk." He said.

She turned around, she sat on her desk and began counting the golden septims she had in the purse. Which wasn't much. "Do you?" She rose a brow.

"Belrand and I thought of an alternate solution." He told straight forward.

"Grim, there is no alternate solution." She sighed looking back at the larger orc.

"There is. Look, Belrand and I are good on money. We can give you good amount of coins. Good enough to aid you in travelling to either Solitude, Whiterun or Windhelm"

"Grimlok just stick to the plan." She tried to focus on her work. Marking some places on the map.

"You'll live temporarily in an inn and find a job,"

"Grimlok please. We're talking about 25 souls counting on the choices I make."

"You make enough money to buy your own houses. You'll live away from the jarl's-"

"GRIMLOK!!" She snapped turning back.

"I'm trying to keep everyone safe as well!" Grimlok snapped back. He crossed his eyes.

"Do NOT fiddle with my business, Grimlok! I can't make any wrong choices!! If I make any mistake it'll cost the life of twenty five people!!" she yelled angrilly.

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