Chapter Four : Falkreath

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After several weeks since the battle for Windhelm occured.


It all started when the courier stopped Grimlok halfway.
"I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver. Your hands only!" He wiggled his eyebrows.

Grimlok sneered. He was waiting for his fellow nord to finish his trade with the food vendor in some tavern.

Seeing as Grimlok isn't excited the courier felt nervous and began searching through his satchel. "U-Um.. Let's see here. Woah! A letter from the Jarl of Falkreath. Moving up in the world eh?" He grinned nervously.

Grimlok took the letter and just glared at the courier as he nods a goodbye and leaves.
Man it's always awkward when you deal with this orc!

It was a peaceful day. The songs the bard was playing were so soothing and entertaining. The drink was stiff and tasty and the place was warm.

Grimlok looked at the vendor as he cleans the table. Speaking with the orc's follower, Belrand.
That nord was generally a good guy. Funny and care free. But his love for adventure might surpass his love for anything else.

"So I'll sell you three green apples for nine septimes. Mmm.. I have two bottles of spiced wine for ten septims each." Belrand thought deeply as he searches in the bag of supplies they gather to sell and live off the money the make by doing that.

"Perfect. Twenty nine septims it is then." The vendor nodded and took out a coin purse.

The orc was so bored. He didn't mind opening the letter and reading it just to pass time.
He squinted his eyes as he reads:

Grimlok The Strong,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Siddgeir, and I have the honor to be the Jarl of the proud and ancient city of Falkreath.

The fame of your exploits across Skyrim has brought you to my attention. If you are interested in becoming a Thane of Falkreath hold, I invite you to speak to me the next time you are in Falkreath. Aside from the honor that accrues to the title, my thanes are entitled to a personal housecarl. I also can tell you privately that a choice parcel of land in Falkreath would be available for your purchase should your services prove useful to me.

I look forward to meeting you in person.

I remain,

Jarl Siddgeir of Falkreath.

Grimlok almost snickered at how formal the man sounded. He sounds like a Milk Drinker.

Yeah, Grimlok has never been to Falkreath. But when the jarl personally asks him to become his thane, he can't refuse.
He's always after adventure no matter where it is. And it sounds like that Siddgeir wants someone to do the dirty job. Grimlok could also use the piece of land the jarl offered and build a damn house instead of getting high in taverns and passing out.

So be it. Tomorrow morning they'll head to Falkreath.

"I'm finally done!" Belrand smiled. Sitting down next to the orc and chugging up some mead.

Grimlok handed the letter to him and sat back. Leaning against the counter.
"It's a letter to me from the jarl of Falkreath."

"Siddgeir? What about him?" Belrand rose a brow. Eating at a piece of bread. ".. Mm.. A vahor?" He asked. His voice muffled by his food.

"Yeah. A favor that might make us thanes of Falkreath." Grimlok replied. He drew the bottle to his lips and drank some more.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go to Falkreath!" Belrand hopped off the chair and payed for their drinks.

"Why not go tomorrow morning?" Grimlok stood up and rubbed his temples.

"N'ah. Don't want to miss the action now do we?" The nord grinned.

The orc just huffed and waddled after his friend outside the tavern. For only fifty septims they hired a carriage to take them to Falkreath. Gave them time to sober up a little.

Upon arriving to Falkreath the guards stopped them and one of them asked if they saw a dog.

"No, just a couple of wolves on the way." Belrand looked confused.

"The smith's lost his mutt and offers a price for whomever finds him. Oh well. Guess we should keep looking." The guard crossed his arms. "Just don't cause any trouble, orc." He said.

Grimlok gave him the 'you-little-piece-of-shit' look before getting dragged ahead by Belrand.

"SO we're looking for the jarl's house or palace." Belrand grinned. Trying to keep a drunk Grimlok from snapping and unleashing his rage.

Falkreath was rather big for just a town and not a city surrounded by walls. It was also known to have the biggest cemetary. Sadistics is what Grimlok calls them.

However, this did not stop the two heroes from marvelling at the huge building that stood before them. Falkreath's symbol drawn on flags that swayed as the wind brushes against them.
So this is the jarl's house. Two guards stood at the door with their shields and swords ready for anything.

Grimlok ascended the stairs up to the door,
"No lollygagin'." The guard told.
The orc gave him another deadly glare as he clenches his fists.

"Yes, yes. Of course!" Belrand quickly opened the door and pushed Grimlok inside.

"You're going to get us locked up with all the glares you're giving." He nudged him hardly.

The jarl was a young man. With his fancy clothes and the large throne he's sitting on it was obvious that he is Siddgeir, jarl of Falkreath.

He had dark hair and a rather thin body build. His eyes were dull and he was just lumped over on his throne. As if he cannot move a single muscle.

He wore a refined tunic with a pair of fur-lined boots. A jade and emerald circlet on his head. An iron dagger hanged from his waist.

But that's what he is. A lazy bastard. But loyal to the empire. He's better than his paranoid uncle.

Grimlok sighed and had his eyes crossed. "I've received the letter, Jarl Siddgeir."

"Yes yes you must've gotten my letter." Siddgeir nodded. "So you're Grimlok The Strong I assume." He smiled.

Such a smart man.

Grimlok nodded before continuing, "What is it you ask of me?" He rose a brow.

"Hmm yes.. That.." Siddgeir rubbed his chin.

"Well, you see, I've stroke a deal with some group of bandits." He began.

"Bandits?" Belrand rose a brow. This guy's a fool to think he would make a nice deal with a group of bandits, and think he'd walk away peacefully.

"Yes." Siddgeir told. As if it didn't really matter to him.
"It was all going good at first but.. Now it's time to clean things up. Go to Cracked Tusk keep, and take care of it." He demanded as he takes out a map and draws a circle somewhere on it with a quill.

He handed over the map to Grimlok who nodded. "You will be highly rewarded. Spare no one! Kill every last one of them." The jarl snarled.

"It'll be done sir!" Belrand smiled and walked away with Grimlok.

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