“So, it has come to my attention that there are a few… minor issues between you all.”

  No one spoke, so Paul continued.

  “And there really is no reason for you not to get along with Delia, lads. I just think we need to take a deep breath together and get a few things out on the table. Well… here is the table, so let it out.”

  Louis glanced up and by the look in his eye, I could tell this was going to be bad. “I would just like to say sorry first of all, that I messed up today everyone. I should not have let that slip. It was stupid.”

  Zayn reached out and rubbed Louis’ shoulder kindly, “No harm done, man.”

  “Wait, wait, I’m not done. I would also like to apologize on behalf of Delia, who thinks she is just too important to need to perform with us, and instead chooses whatever time she wants to come out. I apologize for my dear Delia’s attention seeking behavior.” He took a deep breath, and released it with a smile. “You know what, Paul? I do feel better.”

  I heard Paul mumble, “Here we go,” and he then rested his hands forlornly, before I slammed my hands down on the table, fuming.

  “Alright, so I am sorry for being late and not getting to sing, but it wasn’t because I wanted attention, Louis.” I spat, glaring into his bright blue eyes. “I just wanted to look nice for everyone.”

  “You didn’t even change!” he argued.

   “The dress didn’t fit right.” I almost yelled, feeling my temper rising.

   Zayn, surprisingly was the one to say, “Can’t you admit that maybe you were just being a little difficult?” His eyes were almost pleading, like he just wanted us to stop arguing, but just on the surface I could see where he honestly thought I was just trying to make things harder.

 “It was too short and way too low cut.” I said. “It made me look like a slut.”

    Louis snorted, “That’s because you are one.”

 The eyes of all the men around the table widened by several degrees and even Niall was awake now to hear this. Harry gulped and leaned forward, inserting a calm tone, “Louis, I think that’s too far…”

  “Oh, shut it, Harry!” Louis screamed at him, making him jump back in surprise and hurt for the second time today. “You honestly have no clue anymore. You know less about me then you know about Zayn, and we are all aware that he’s hiding a lot.”

  “I am not.” Zayn defended himself weakly, but when he realized how frail his argument was he said a bit harshly. “So what if I am? I don’t have to tell any of you anything. Niall sure doesn’t.” He pointed in the direction of the man, who sat with a gaping mouth.

  “You don’t even-“ Niall began, but he was cut off.

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