I turned away from their feud and looked at Will. The one who was supposed to be taking care of me. He already saw the scars, being the one who's the doctor. I tapped my wrist. I knew what time it was because of Tyson's watch, but what time do we have to be at Olympus. Will seemed to understand, while the others were confused on why I didn't look at my watch.

"You have to be at Olympus in an hour." Will answered.

I nodded and sat up swinging my legs over the side of the cot. I heard sounds of the spat still going on about my scars.

"No, Percy!" Will ordered. "Back in the cot, your too weak from no rest and the battle." I ignored him and stood up. Bad idea, a wave of nausea hit me and I stumbled falling into the body of another.

"Blah-ha-ha" They bleated. I looked up, wispy beard, curly horns peaking out from the top of their head, goat legs. None other than my best goat friend, Grover.

"Perce!" He said, concern and excitement blending in his voice.

He picked me up steadying me on my feet before I could fall onto the hard ground. I mouthed his named, relief showing on my face. It's good to know that I still have my other best friend. The goat boy helped me back to the cot.

"How are you buddy?" He said seriously looking me in the eyes.

I simply shook my head. He seemed nervous, but he has gained confidence and muscle from being Lord of the Wild and all that. He did a quick observation from my toes to my head, pausing around the torso section. He bit his lip before grabbing my wrists clamping together in one hand and pinning them to the cot. Then he grabbed my face squishing my cheeks a little forcing me to look him in his environmental eyes.

"What happened?" He demanded."I want the truth. I just arrived and all I heard was that you were unconscious in the infirmary." I said nothing because I couldn't. He became impatient, his growing anger gathering the arguing people's attention.

"Tell me what happened Percy!" He bleated.

He was greeted with silence. No one else said anything. He shook my shoulders roughly letting go of my wrists and face. I rubbed my sore wrists.

"Perseus Jackson." He pleaded seriously. "Please tell me. Where did you get these? Where's Annabeth? Why aren't you talking to me?"

Not able to bare his heart broken voice I pushed my self off the cot and away from him. I stumbled and shoved the sad satyr away from me. I wobbled out of the infirmary as the others watched the heart breaking scene.

As I exited the infirmary I was hit with the bright sunlight. I put a hand over my eyes clearing my vision. Everything was perfect outside, training demigods, laughing teens. Just one thing missing, the happy veteran half-bloods.

Everywhere I looked a memory of Annabeth and I flooded my brain. The lake, our underwater kiss. The pavilion, our first kiss over blue cake. The arena, our long lasting training. The campfire, our singing and laughing times.

My head started pounding again as everything came crashing down. Yesterday's horrifying news. I sunk to my knees, out of tears I just stared. Soon enough a large shadow fell over me. I glanced up, Chiron.

He said nothing, but picked me up like a small kitten depositing me on his back. I held on as he galloped to Thalia's tree. When we got there Peleus opened an eye and then shut it seeing us as harmless. The guard dragon went back to sleep.

Chiron knelt down and I climbed off him. We sat there in silence for awhile until he spoke. His voice was calm, but had a tinge of melancholy to it.

"Do you want to know how your parents died?" He said quietly. I nodded. He sighed deeply.

"They Iris Messaged me a little bit after you fell into Tartarus. They wanted to know what happened. They were scared and concerned, apparently they both had dreams about you." I stiffened, did they see what happened the first 6 months? Chiron glanced at me sorrowfully.

The Outcast (1)Where stories live. Discover now