Glimpse 10

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  A shoe~size package is propped against the front door to an angle as I open our door early in the morning. Every door in Gremory High has a tiny slots to shove mail through. I hurried scibble o the wrapping adresses the package to Jessie Yddrassil. So I pick it up and hurried toward our room bringing it to the kitchen where Jessie and Kath are busy eating their breakfast.

They both looked at me confused as I raise the package telling them it wasn't mine but for Jessie.

Upon hearing what I've said, she hurried to me and grab the package.

"Where did it came from?" She said

I shrugged as an answer ,there's really nothing written on the box except for Jessie's name, nothing more , nothing less.

Jessie suddenly switch her mood and with her crumple face, she put the package on the drawer under her bed.

What's with the gift?

from a suitor maybe

Sigh My curiousity strikes me again.


It's P.E class and after this Mr. Surrexit the principal have told me that today will going to be my first day in my so called community service.

I dont think I can do that cleaning the rest room thingy.

I heave a sigh before going outside.

"Its okay Z, we know you can make it , You're the great Z Frox right? " Kath said mocking me while locking the door of our room.

I eyed her sharply making her raise her both hands in defeat.

"Chill Z, I'm just kidding around" she said in a calming voice.

"Well you never sound so funny." I said

Yeah they treat me bestfriends or what so ever but I always make sure to have a gap from them.

That's my instinct tell's me to do.


All eyes are in me upon entering on the gym's locker room.

Do they know staring is rude?

I went toward my locker to get my P.E uniform.

I heard murmurs as I passed by a crowd of female dogs. I clenched my fist preventing the urge of heating ones face that arouse within me.

"I heard she's the girl who had crashed the cars of the kings last last night" the girl with a curly hair whisper to her companion.

"Really? she must be crazy" the other one retorted

I pretend myself as if I did not hear all of the things they babbling off.

If it wasn't the fact that I made a promise to L avioding making a mess, I would really love to hit their filthy faces using my etching bare hands.

These skanky fancy woman must be thankfull furuitous are on their side this day, surely I'll gonna get my own retribution after a day I'm over with my punishment.

Just wait for my turn sleazies.


I teid my hair in a pony after I finished changing my clothes. I view the reflection of the face of a trouble maker badass brat they knew,

my recflection

The trouble are the one chasing me, I'm just giving them the favor but starting this day forward I have to be levelheaded to please my brother , I know whats he's been through for me and this is the time to pay him back, so I have to kill this f*cking urge to knock those bitches out there.

Glimpse of Death 1 Playing with the ReaperNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ