The honeymoon stage

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Cry pov

"Did you have fun husband?" Felix asks as we walk through the door.

"I did indeed." I say and grab his hips. We had just gotten home from our honeymoon and we were definitely still in the stage. He leaned forward and kissed me gently. I dropped my suit case and wrapped my hands around his neck. "Well Mr Terry," I say and we both giggle, "how about we go celebrate?" He smirks and picks me up, heading towards the bedroom. He took my last name since it's what got him his green card. That, and I can't even pronounce his last name. Or madden name I guess. We started up the stairs of the new house we bought just before the wedding. Our stuff was mostly unpacked but there were still a few things to take out. The bed was intact though and that thought made me smile.

~I don't write smut~

After our little 'celebration', he decided to make some dinner. He went into the kitchen while I went to the living room and turned on the news.

Top story!
Efforts are strained with the onslaught of soldiers from enemy troops. President makes statement regarding the situation.

"Citizens," President Jeremy Fredrickson says, "I'm afraid this war effort has become rather extreme. Even with half the world fighting along with us, this terrorist group has continued to avoid our strikes while successfully achieving their own. I'm afraid to say that the government may have to enact it's right to enlist."

Enlist? We haven't had to have an enlistment in years! Although, this is a world war. This terrorist group had popped up a few years ago and has been relentlessly attacking large countries. No one could really take them down because it wasn't centered in a specific place. With other groups, they would have one place that we could focus on. But not with this group. They were relentless, merciless, and untraceable.

"This process will take effect immediately." The president sighed. He was a good man, but constantly blamed for the war. No one could really be blamed, except the terrorists themselves.

"Ryan! Dinner!" Felix calls.

I get up and hug him before sitting down at the table. "Did you hear that they have to start enlisting?" I asked.

"No. But didn't you already serve?"

"Yeah, it's how I paid for college. But what about you?"

"I just got my citizenship. I doubt my name is even in the draw yet." He smiled and stuck a bite of food in his mouth.

"I hope you're right." I say quietly. He reaches across the table and holds my hand.

"It'll be fine." He reassured.

I just smile half heartedly and continue to eat. After we finish, I start to gather the plates and head toward the kitchen. I start to rinse the dishes and load them in the dishwasher. Standing in the doorway, is the dork I call my husband. When I finish, he comes in and wraps his arms around me. "I love you..." He says in a baby voice.

"You too you baby." I smile and peck his cheek.

"I'm a baby? I think it's been too long since you've seen a baby if you think that they are anywhere as cute as me."

I laugh. "It has been a while..." I trail off.

"Do you ever want kids? Like, in the future?" He asks.

"Definitely. Do you?"

"Absolutely. I have this image in my head. It's of us sitting on the couch, as two little ones play with the dogs. Super corny, but I like the image."


He shrugs with a sheepish grin. I just smile and kiss him again. This time, we hold it out and make it deeper. It's just as passionate as the first one and all the ones after. However, this one has a special connotation with it.

"I think two is perfect." I say when we pull apart. "And two dogs. Oh and a nice comfy couch."

"Could you be more perfect?" He asks me with a wide grin.

"Nope!" I say matter-of-factly. "But you couldn't either."

I did a thing.

Good or bad? I'm not sure. :/

The first chapter is just fluff but more stuff will happen later on.

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