Thief Chapter 4

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Pete's POV

(A/N oooh, switching it up, betcha didn't see that coming)

"Ok, calm down. Tell me what you said, and then tell me what he said," came Patrick's voice from my cell phone.

I ran my hand through my hair before calming down enough to say, "I just walked over to him and introduced myself and he told me his name was Mikey Way and then I offered him a ride home, ya know, 'cause he's always walking and he said no and walked away. What does that mean, 'Trick?"

"I dunno, Pete. Maybe he really likes walking. Or maybe he didn't want to get in the car with a senior he's never talked to before," Patrick said, calmly. Patrick was good at calm. I was not.

"Oh my god, do you think I freaked him out?"

"Nah, but you do come on a little strong,"

I sighed. "Yeah, I know I do. Maybe I should try to talk to him again tomorrow,"

"Yeah, at lunch or something. You said he's always sitting by himself,"

"Yeah. Yeah, he is. I'll do that. Thanks, Patrick,"

I practically heard him roll his eyes over the phone. "Anytime. Bye, Pete," he said, then hung up the phone.

I flopped down on my bed, and stared at the ceiling. High school really sucks, I thought.

Then my thoughts switched to; Maybe I look intimidating. Do I look intimidating? What can I wear tomorrow to look friendlier? I usually look friendly, right? What does that even mean? 

When I woke up the next day, I ended up throwing on a Green Day t-shirt, because I had seen Mikey in one before and I knew he liked them. Then I went with plain skinny jeans and my bright red high top converse. Converse are friendly, right? How can shoes even be friendly? 

"Pete, if you aren't in the car in exactly 5 seconds, I'm leaving without you!" my mom shouted from the driveway. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I would just have to hope the shoes were welcoming enough. 

I'm 18 years old, and I should be driving myself to school, but I don't have a car, and my parents need both of the ones they own to get to their jobs. I don't mind too much. I mean, if I really wanted one, I could save up the money from my crappy job and buy one myself. I just don't have that much self control, which is really my fault and not my parents. Mom usually takes the bus to work anyway, so I can sleep in a few extra minutes and drive myself to and from school, but she has a meeting or something somewhere far away today, so she can't.

"Honey, we're here," my mom said, because I wasn't really paying attention, as usual. 

"Bye, Mom. Thanks for the ride! Love you," I said, and then opened the door and headed up the stairs to school.

"Yo, Pete!" someone yelled.

I looked over. "Hey Joe," I grinned, joining him and Rian who were sitting on the steps. 

We were eventually joined by Patrick, Andy, and the adorably vomit-enducing couple that was Jack and Alex. Then the bell rang, and I had to go to my first class without ever catching a glimpse of Mikey. Jesus, what if Patrick was wrong and I did scare him off, and he's not even coming to school today and it's my fault??? 

"Pete, snap out of it," Patrick said, once he had magically appeared at my side like some sort of mind-reading, hat-wearing ninja. 


"I dunno, you were doing that thing where you think way to hard about something. Stop it. It's gonna be fine," 

I was convinced that Patrick was actually a guardian angel that had descended from heaven and become my best friend. I told him that, and he laughed. I was being dead serious.

I had been positive Mikey wasn't in any of my classes, so when I was working on my paper in Lit and he walked in, I almost fell out of my chair.

"Sorry I'm late," he muttered to the teacher before he disappeared to the back of the class. Well, I can't really be blamed for not noticing him. He sits at the back of the room with his head down, and doesn't really talk. Plus, this is a senior class, and he can't be any older than 16. I was impressed. I could barely keep up with this class myself. 

I didn't get a chance to talk to him all class, though, and he slipped out of the room before I had even closed my binder. He wasn't in any of my other classes. 

That was ok, though, because then the lunch bell rang and I stopped shooting spit balls into Joe's hair and shoved my things into my bag. I was ready to talk to Mikey. I had this planned.

"Hey-" Joe called after me, but he didn't get any farther than that, and I assumed Patrick would be responsible for that. The guy really is an angel. I just continued on my own to the cafeteria. 

Thief (Petekey)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant