Thief Chapter 6

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Pete's POV

I can't stop smiling. All that worry this morning for nothing! I can't wait to tell Patrick. The only thing with the ability to put a slight damper on my mood is Mikey's reaction to my date proposal. He was so surprised, like he couldn't believe anyone would ever ask him something like that. 

Really, someone as cute as him, it's surprising no one's ever shown an interest. If you ask me, there should be a line around the block.

This is all occurring to me during class. I really should be paying attention, but it's really hard when thinking about Mikey Way is so much more interesting than conjugating Spanish verbs. The bell rings and I sigh, looking down at my barely touched worksheet. I'll get the answers off of Joe later. 

Brendon, Joe and Patrick catch up with me in the hall. 

"How's it going?" Brendon asks.

"Fantastic," I reply.

"Wow, what's gotten into you? You hate school,"

"Pete's got a daaaate," Patrick teases, doing his weird best friend mind-reading thing that he does. I just blush and duck my head, smiling. 

"Ooooooh," everyone jokes, laughing. They leave it alone for the time being, which I'm grateful for. My date with Mikey is special, it's just for the two of us. Talking about it feels like taking some of that magic away. 

When the bell that signals the end of school rings, I feel like I've let out a breath I've been holding since lunch. I find Mikey out front, sitting on the stairs. He smiles when he sees me approaching.

"Hey," he says.


I lead him over to my car, opening the passenger side door and everything. The expression on his face is well worth it. Once we're both in the car and on our way, he turns to look at me.

"I, uh, I didn't think you were actually going to come," he admits.

"Seriously?" I ask. There's something I need to know. "Why does it surprise you so much? When people like you, I mean. Or when they want to help you out,"

He hesitates for a minute before answering, "Because I'm not used to it,"

"Yeah, I can tell. What I mean to ask is, why?"

"Pete, you asked why I didn't take the ride you offered me the other day. I didn't give you a straight answer as to why. I just, I didn't want you to see my house," he says, now with his gaze fixed out the window. 

"Thats silly, Mikeyway. I don't care what your house looks like,"

"You say that now. I'm, well, I'm poor, Pete. Like, really poor,"

"And you know what? That's ok. I don't care,"

(A/N Hey, sorry for the short update. Also, sorry for being awful at updating. I suck. Sorry!)

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